Interface that consumes the free GitHub API to show a list of repositories by user or organization
Note: Uses unauthenticated requests so rate limits apply. Wait a minute or so if you hit the limit and definetly don't lookup microsoft 😉
- Landing page form to capture the user or organization name
- A valid form submit updates state variable to then show the repository list view
- React router for modifying search params for query string based table filtering and sorting
- React-table for modeling the table
- TailwindCSS for ease of styling and consistency
- Vite dev environment for setup convenience via react-ts starter plus vitest and RTL for testing
to install
yarn dev
to run development
yarn test
yarn build
lint, test and bundle the distro
yarn preview
serve the distro
- Need an error boundary or at least a message to notify user of errors
- Add a view for empty results
- Create separate routes for each page
- Update the type filter options based on org vs user
- Add a nicer loading state, like an animated spinner
- Support user authentication for additional permissions and functionality
- Needs to wait until the paginate function loads all the pages which is terrible for large repo lists. Better to request the first page, render and then prefetch subsequent data
- Make table responsive so it renders better on smaller devices. This could be hiding or stacking columns
- Use a component library like shadcn or material-ui