A project to implement a wide variety of river crossing puzzles into one application
The project itself is in riverCrossing
. The tests are in module tests
, with some old code in
holds images for the gui, and rules
holdes game rules definitions.
Run the tests with:
python3 -m unittest discover riverCrossing
Python has a concept of "modules" which organize code. Within a module, the module itself is called "." and the files within the module can be referred to as ".filename", omitting the .py.
Our module, riverCrossing
, has both a __init__.py
file, which is what makes it a
module, and a __main__.py
file, which makes it an executable.
This means you can run it with:
python3 -m riverCrossing
followed by either console
for the console or gui
for the
gui game. This should also fix issues for those using IDEs.
For running different games in console use:
python3 -m riverCrossing console Name.json
where Name is the Json file.
Dependencies are in requirements.txt
. Install them with pip3 -r requirements.txt