- PHP 8.1
- Composer
You can configure environment variables in the .env file after composer install.
- Z_ENDPOINT = {url}
- Z_ACCESS_KEY = {access_key}
- Z_ACCESS_SECRET = {access_secret}
- Z_APP_ID=128
You can run the code below to install the project setup.
composer install
You can run the code below to database migration
php artisan migrate
You can run the code below to create jwt secret keys.
php artisan jwt:secret
You can use the code below to run the server.
php artisan serve
This command can be added to cron to create jobs and can be run at the desired interval.
php artisan app:create-check-subscription-job
You can use the code below to run the tests.
php artisan test
- I used file cache. It can be used in redis or memcache.
Postman Documentation: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/12629017/2s9YeN3UTA