- finish Mysql stuff
- add commands
- add futher utils
- add config with saving of default
- insert commands into bungee.yml
- aaaaand any other necessary stuff
..... further comes soon IMPORT method to import all servers from the default bungeecord context
Orchestration stuff haha added in the future !!
TBD NOW: load servers at startup and add to context !!!!!
Joins, force hub Joins, what to do when a server is not available
A bit more advanced than the default bungee server command
/server <servername>
Sends a player to the server with that servername (if he has sufficient permission)
Shows you the ServerManager help (sm command usage)
/sm list-all
Shows you all servers, that are registered in the database (with ServerManager)
/sm info <servername>
Shows you all information about this server, see for your-self and try it out
/sm deactivate <servername>
Deactivates the server with this name (if it is managed via ServerManager)
/sm activate <servername>
Activates an existing server that is deactivated
/sm delete <servername>
Deletes a server with that name from the database
/sm setmaxplayer <servername> <max-player amount>
Changes the max player amount that are allowed to be on this server
/sm create <servername> <ip-address> <port> <access-level> <lobby? true / false>
Creates a new server in the database.
It's going to be managed via ServerManager.
server.access.<access type>
Allows the player to join all servers with a certain access type
server.join.<server name>
Allows the player to join the server with the name in the permission
Servermanager admin access (administration + access to all servers)
Allows a player to join all servers
Allows a player to write in the TeamChat
shows the player in the team list and grants access to this command
Stats are used to see who is using this plugin at what scale. It's going to log errors / player amount / server amount / amount of bungees.
The server updates its information every 10 minutes.
You can disable this feature in the stats section of the ServerManager
The stats are (for abuse purposes) associated this a stats-ID that identifies the server. The log-data is stored anonymously and is used to improve the plugin.
- orchestration feature (self activation of servers)
- webeditor prettier
- ingame MOTD edititing
- setting custom player count