Models and notes for a half-day session on teaching modeling growth in Stock Synthesis
Not yet sure how GitHub will work for this use.
Modeling growth in stock assessments using the Stock Synthesis modeling framework
A half-day session held on Monday (November 3rd) afternoon by Ian Taylor
Download files by clicking "Dowload Zip" on bottom-right corner of this page
=========== Outline (not guaranteed to be accurate)
- Parameterization of growth curves
- Overview of how many growth parameters are estimated in typical assessments
- Specification of von Bertalanffy growth curve in SS
- Specification of length variability around the mean growth curve
- Treatment of male growth as offsets from female growth
- Growth between birth and first reference age
- Calculation of length in plus group
- Quantities that depend on growth and how they are connected
- Growth curve,
- Length-at-age matrix,
- Length compositions,
- Mean length- or weight-at-age
- Conditional age-at-length compositions
- Overview of example models
- Length comps and conditional age-at-length comps (yelloweye-like model from simulation analysis for paper on growth platoons -- but without growth platoons)
- Mean weight-at-age with no growth (simplified hake assessment)
- Age comps and mean length-at-age observations (simplified mackerel from Paul)
- Timing issues
- Start of year vs. mid-year growth, fleet timing
- Seasonal models and birth seasons
- This is going to change in SS version 3.3, perhaps some preview can be provided
- Advanced topics
- Time-varying growth
- Annual deviations
- cohort-specific deviations
- Alternative growth curves
- Richards (or is it Schnute?)
- age-dependent K
- Growth platoons and growth morphs
- Seasonal and spatial?
- Time-varying growth
- Whatever you want to talk about