ibexa/content v3.3.5 change log
Changes since v3.3.4
ezsystems/doctrine-dbal-schema changes between v1.0.2 and v1.0.3
ezsystems/ezcommerce-base-design changes between v3.3.2 and v3.3.3
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#37)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#40)
ezsystems/ezcommerce-checkout changes between v1.0.3 and v1.0.4
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator
- IBX-262: Fixing large price values in basket widget (#36)
- IBX-586: Uncaught TypeError Cannot read property 'addEventListener' (#39)
- IBX-581: Fixed adding product variant to the basket (#40)
- IBX-685: Fixed translation text in stored basket error (#41)
ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop changes between v3.3.4 and v3.3.5
- IBX-533: Login throws error on frontend when commerce is disabled (#310)
- IBX-390 changed priority to -10 for siso_core.config.resolver (#309)
- EC-293: Update basket (#307)
- IBX-646: Fixed issue with displaying a label for a product characteristic (#316)
ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop-ui changes between v1.1.2 and v1.1.3
- IBX-581: Product variations don't work properly on frontend (#17)
- IBX-608: Commerce : Add to basket button is enabled before a variation is selected (#20)
- IBX-595: [Product page] Specification dropdowns dont work properly (#19)
- IBX-276: Missing translations for product in prod mode (#21)
- IBX-604: Product characteristic should be escaped (#18)
- IBX-651: [Product page] Cannot add product variants to wish list and compare (#22)
- IBX-606: Currency rates no longer applied when showing products (#23)
- IBX-672: Fixing condition to show title on add to stored basket and add to wishlist [product page] (#24)
ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v2.3.4 and v2.3.5
- IBX-455: Added selected content from bookmarks to the top of list content items (#1768)
- IBX-154: Allowed to define if the alternative text for image field is required (#1782)
- IBX-22: Added danger font color (#1739) (#1784)
- IBX-523: Create content menu causes console error (#1776)
- IBX-445: Added condition to check if language is enabled (#1779)
- EZP-32387: Fixed text block toolbar alignment (#1778)
- IBX-426: Created additional UDW config for adding Location to Content (#1772)
- IBX-461: Fixed roles with deleted limitations (#1781)
- IBX-662: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of null at setContainerHeight (#1786)
- IBX-664: changed desc for pagination.viewing trans (#1787)
ezsystems/ezplatform-content-forms changes between v1.3.3 and v1.3.4
ezsystems/ezplatform-core changes between v2.3.4 and v2.3.5
ezsystems/ezplatform-http-cache changes between v2.3.1 and v2.3.2
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#146)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#148)
ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel changes between v1.3.4 and v1.3.5
- IBX-527: Fixed phpdoc return type mismatch (#200)
- IBX-569: Changed ObjectStateHandler to extend AbstractInMemoryPersistenceHandler (#3106)
- IBX-569: Changed ObjectStateHandler to extend AbstractInMemoryPersistenceHandler (#3106) (#204)
- IBX-154: Allowed to define if the alternative text for image field is required (#3108)
- IBX-368: Added image path normalization before storing it into the DB (#3102)
- IBX-546: Added missing TransactionHandler interface service alias (#196)
- EZP-31859: Fixed field group names being not translated (#199)
- IBX-610: Implemented InMemory cache for remaining LocationHandler methods (#3109)
- IBX-610: Implemented InMemory cache for remaining LocationHandler methods (#3109) (#203)
- IBX-368: Added image path normalization before storing it into the DB (#197)
ezsystems/ezplatform-richtext changes between v2.3.2 and v2.3.3
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#181)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#183)
ezsystems/ezplatform-version-comparison changes between v1.3.1 and v1.3.2
ibexa/image-editor changes between v1.0.2 and v1.0.3
- IBX-686: Fixed selectors for base64 and additional data inputs (#33)
- IBX-667: Changed header name (#34)
ibexa/installer changes between v1.0.2 and v1.0.3
- IBX-545: Prevented executing already executed migrations during command retry (#26)
- IBX-545: Prevent execution of already executed migrations (#29)
ibexa/migrations changes between v1.0.3 and v1.0.4
- IBX-547: Used cache-aware transaction handler in services (#225)
- IBX-545: Added "isMigrationExecuted" API (#226)
- IBX-547: Added missing dependency bump (#227)
- IBX-599 Set section to content from metadata ContentCreateStep (#229)