ibexa/content v4.0.0 change log
See https://github.com/ibexa/oss/releases/tag/v4.0.0 for changelogs from further packages.
Changes since v3.3.0
Changes between ezsystems/ezplatform-calendar v1.3.0 and ibexa/calendar v4.0.0
- EZP-32179: Add footer to platform when user is logged in (#71)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1116: Redesign calendar (#86)
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#83)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#74)
- IBX-268: Redesign buttons for 4.0 (#72)
- IBX-397: Redesign main layout (#75)
- IBX-422: Rebrand ez-icon to ibexa-icon (#73)
- IBX-492: Redesign tables for 4.0 (#80)
- IBX-615: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned checkbox and radio buttons in all states (#76)
- IBX-836: Redesigned headers (#81)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/calendar to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated ez_render_component_group function
- IBX-1334: Cleanup rebranded ibexa/calendar code
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#15)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#17)
- IBX-1853: Changed services names to FQCN or rebranded ones (#21)
- IBX-1886: added missing px and Dart Sass compatibility added (#89)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/calendar repository (#23)
- IBX-2061: Rebranded REST route prefix in ibexa/calendar repository (#26)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#27)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#28)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#29)
- IBX-1619: Show selection sidebar if empty (#12)
- IBX-1620: changed calendar order in menu (#13)
- IBX-1938: Fixed checkbox placement in filters (#19)
- IBX-1847: Added width to event name (#20)
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-base-design v3.3.0 and ibexa/commerce-base-design v4.0.0
- EC-388: Removed duplicated blocks (#34)
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#37)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#42)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#40)
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated twig functions (#5)
- IBX-1589: Renamed Extension siso_content_plugin to ibexa_commerce_base_design (#9)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-base-design to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Align code to latest standards
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#11)
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#48)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#15)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-base-design repository (#16)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-base-design repository (#17)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-base-design repository (#17)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces and services names (#18)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#19)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#20)
- IBX-1734: Added PR assigner workflow (#49)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#22)
- EC-285: Basket is not properly displayed on safari web browser (#28)
- EC-374: Dropped base_theme theme (#32)
- EC-403: Renamed pagelayout.html.twig to pagelayout_front.html.twig (#35)
- EZEE-3494: Dropped usages of demo Content Types configuration (#31)
- IBX-212: Fixing large price values in basket widget (#39)
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-checkout v1.0.0 and ibexa/commerce-checkout v4.0.0
- IBX-84: Make ezcommerce-rest available for 3.3.x
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#47)
- IBX-127: Added a way to fetch data of stored basket (#28)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#34)
- IBX-1543: Replaced ez_render_field function
- IBX-1543: Replaced ses_render_price
- IBX-1543: Replaced ses_product
- IBX-1543: Replaced ses_variant_product_by_sku
- IBX-1543: Replaced ses_assets_main_image
- IBX-1543: Replaced ses_basket
- IBX-1543: Moved, deprecated & replaced checkout bundle twig functions
- IBX-1543: Replaced all undocumented commerce twig functions
- IBX-1543: Replaced commerce content function
- IBX-1543: Replaced silver tools functions and extensions
- IBX-1543: Replaced silver common twig filters
- IBX-1543: Replaced st_tag & st_resolve_template
- IBX-1543: Dropped removed
function implementation - IBX-1543: Replaced ses global variable
- IBX-1589: Renamed Extension siso_checkout to ibexa_commerce_checkout (#6)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-checkout to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Align code to latest standards
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#10)
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#52)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#12)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-checkout repository (#13)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#15)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#16)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in comments (#17)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in code (#18)
- IBX-1696: Fixed incorrect namespace for preferred_country SA config
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#19)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded leftover siso_basket occurrences (#20)
- EC-226: Fixed usage of httpOnly cookies for determining session identifier (#22)
- EC-316: Added method to save address in ajax controller (#42)
- EC-339: Error 500 occurs during checkout process (#19)
- EC-374: Moved templates from base_theme to standard theme (#24)
- EZEE-3473: Used event to change siteaccess instead of replacing service in container (#20)
- EZEE-3491: Added entity mappings for ORM
- EZEE-3491: Replaced entity manager with siteaccess aware EM
- IBX-262: Fixing large price values in basket widget (#36)
- IBX-521: Fix ibexa_icon_path in front-office twigs (#37)
- IBX-581: Fixed adding product variant to the basket (#40)
- IBX-586: Uncaught TypeError Cannot read property 'addEventListener' (#39)
- IBX-685: Fixed translation text in stored basket error (#41)
- IBX-76: QTY input does not display properly quantity of added products (#25)
- IBX-849: Dropped custom security layer (#44)
- IBX-1574: Fixed issues with fallback costs for shipping (#50)
- IBX-1671: Fix ibexa_commerce_product_in_comparison twig function (#9)
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-fieldtypes v1.2.0 and ibexa/commerce-fieldtypes v4.0.0
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#24)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#22)
- IBX-75: Tagged Commerce Field Types as ibexa.commerce.field_type (#16)
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated twig functions (#5)
- IBX-1589: Renamed Extension ibexa_platform_commerce_field_types to ibexa_commerce_field_types (#8)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-fieldtypes to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Align code to latest standards
- IBX-1334: Cleanup rebranded ibexa/commerce-fieldtypes code
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#11)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#14)
- IBX-1853: Changed services names to FQCN or rebranded ones (#15)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#16)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#17)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in comments (#18)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in code (#19)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#20)
- EC-300: [ezcommerce] Finishing checkout process removes saved delivery addresses from profile (#13)
- EC-403: Dropped base_theme (#15)
- IBX-281: Added configuration for disabling/enabling binary file indexation (#21)
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-price-engine v3.3.0 and ibexa/commerce-price-engine v4.0.0
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#35)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#37)
- IBX-268: Redesign buttons for 4.0 (#39)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#40)
- IBX-1543: Deprecated functions without prefix (#3)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-price-engine to use new namespaces
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#9)
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#49)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#11)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#14)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces and services names (#16)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#17)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#18)
- IBX-1734: Added PR assigner workflow (#52)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded leftover parameters (#20)
- EZEE-3489: Created dedicated siteaccess aware Entity Manager (#31)
- IBX-1604: Fixed PHP8 deprecation warning (#46)
- IBX-597: ShopPriceProvider does not get correct settings injected by config resolver
- IBX-1604: Fixed deprecation warnings (#50)
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop v3.3.0 and ibexa/commerce-shop v4.0.0
- EC-373: Exposed configuration to hide Commerce features (#275)
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#287)
- IBX-1097: Change properties for reusable Dropdown widget (#351)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#359)
- IBX-1259: As an Editor, I want to have redesigned config forms in Page Builder (#363)
- IBX-160: added spike tests for basket checkout (#319)
- IBX-260: Added user registration tests (#317)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#299)
- IBX-268: Redesign buttons for 4.0 (#304)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#305)
- IBX-492: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned tables (#337)
- IBX-497: Redesign tabs for 4.0 (#314)
- IBX-554: Added configuration of content type for product (#311)
- IBX-612: Input field (ibexa-input--text) with ibexa-label redesign (#325)
- IBX-613: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned dropdown field (multi-select) in all states (#331)
- IBX-615: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned checkbox and radio buttons in all states (#323)
- IBX-617: As an Editor, I want to see the redesigned toggle button (#326)
- IBX-650: redesign main menu (#329)
- IBX-698: Updating ecommerce configuration settings (#344)
- IBX-75: Hidden Commerce features if Commerce is disabled (#278)
- IBX-809: Redesigned dashbaord (#333)
- IBX-836: Redesigned headers (#335)
- IBX-907: Redesigned ezprofiledata (#341)
- IBX-928: Change valueChanged event to change event in inputs (#343)
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated twig functions (#13)
- IBX-1528: Redesigned modals (#17)
- IBX-1543: Fixed missing parenthesis in twig function call
- IBX-1589: Renamed Symfony Extensions to follow Ibexa naming convention (#19)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-shop to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Align code to latest standards
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1210: Relied on DesignAwareInterface for Design Engine namespace
- IBX-1210: Made the new (pre-final) DESIGN_NAMESPACE const as private
- IBX-1334: Cleanup rebranded ibexa/commerce-shop code (#27)
- IBX-1707: Redesign Price and Stock Management to Shipping Management (#31)
- IBX-1674: Empty select option for dropdown (#28)
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#30)
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#389)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#36)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#40)
- IBX-1886: Dart Sass compatibility added (#391)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-shop repository (#42)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-shop repository (#45)
- IBX-2007: Rebranded REST media-type names (#46)
- IBX-2061: Rebranded REST route prefix in ibexa/commerce-shop repository (#48)
- IBX-1210: Rebranded @ezdesign ibexa/commerce-shop repository (#50)
- IBX-1696: Removed class parameters from ibexa/commerce-shop repository (#52)
- IBX-1853: Fixed wrong event name (#51)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces and services names (#53)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#55)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#56)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded missing ses_forms.config parameter prefix
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in comments (#57)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in code (#58)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#60)
- IBX-1287: Removed "Components" and "Rate and reviews" entries form eCommerce menu (#63)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded leftover siso_basket occurrences (#62)
- EC-125: Removed BasketService from controller constructor (#272)
- EC-223: Aligned views paths with SF5 (#250)
- EC-226: Fixed usage of httpOnly cookies for determining session identifier (#266)
- EC-293: Update basket (#307)
- EC-316: Added method to save address in ajax controller (#352)
- EC-334: [User overview] charts are not properly displayed (#254)
- EC-335: Fixed generation of breadcrumbs (#249)
- EC-345: [Footer] expanded sections hover over footer (#251)
- EC-355: Cannot select product variants on product page because of an error 500 occur (#332)
- EC-355: Removed duplicated definitions
- EC-357: [Product page] technical information are not correctly displayed (#255)
- EC-360: [User management] Cannot change my account settings because an exception occur (#285)
- EC-361: [Delivery address] Value in field country is not properly saved (#283)
- EC-364: [Product page] Cannot play video in video tab because of an error 404 occurred (#259)
- EC-374: Dropped base_theme theme (#270)
- EC-384: Remove old templates (#273)
- EC-403: Renamed pagelayout.html.twig to pagelayout_front.html.twig (#281)
- EC-404: Cannot display order invoice because of an error 500 occurred (#280)
- EC-410: Navigation is not displayed (#301)
- EZEE-3449: Changed object and array types to BLOB (#247)
- EZEE-3473: Used event to change siteaccess instead of replacing service in container (#267)
- EZEE-3489: Created dedicated siteaccess aware Entity Manager (#277)
- EZEE-3491: Added entity mappings for SilversolutionsToolsBundle
- EZEE-3491: Added missing entity mappings
- EZEE-3491: Backported missing entity mappings (#288)
- EZEE-3491: Fixed EM injection to DisplayErpLogCommand service
- EZEE-3491: Removed obsolete entity mappings (#289)
- EZEE-3491: Replaced direct use of ibexa.doctrine.orm.entity_manager with DI
- EZEE-3494: Dropped usages of demo Content Types configuration (#268)
- IBX-1018: Uncaught TypeError Cannot read property 'querySelectorAll' of null at Dropdown.init (#348)
- IBX-1039: Fixed dashboard table (#357)
- IBX-1264: Dropdowns are not clickable / do not expand in backoffice (#364)
- IBX-1286: Tables template XSS vulnerability - default |raw (#367)
- IBX-1331: Added new conditional to check if Commerce is enabled (#372)
- IBX-371: Removed obsolete SisoInstallerBundle (#303)
- IBX-390: Use SettingService to store commerce configuration (#320)
- IBX-424: User addresses contains incorrect data in field country code (#306)
- IBX-424: user addresses contains incorrect data in field country code 32 (#308)
- IBX-533: Login throws error on frontend when commerce is disabled (#310)
- IBX-646: Fixed issue with displaying a label for a product characteristic (#316)
- IBX-653: Configuration objects should be readable by ConfigResolver even if current user doesn't have permissions to it (#336)
- IBX-657: Added Product Catalog alias finding with different tree root configuration (#322)
- IBX-659: Made Catalog paths SA aware (#321)
- IBX-745: Added missing content_view rule for embed-image (#360)
- IBX-849: Dropped custom security layer (#345)
- IBX-879: Skip commerce config resolver when siteaccess is not resolved (#339)
- IBX-940: Dropdown in tab is partly hidden (#350)
- IBX-1252: [Rebranding] Used new bundle name (#11)
- IBX-1577: Commerce cockpit is loading with 500 error on PHP8 (#375)
- IBX-1604: Fixed deprecation warning (#378)
- IBX-1610: Fixed wrong date passed when logging successful mailing (#377)
- IBX-1452: Cannot load frontend site of commerce while using PHP 7.4 version
- IBX-1604: Fixed deprecation warnings (#392)
- IBX-1604: Fixed deprecation warning (#393)
- IBX-1604: Fixed deprecation warning (#393) (#47)
- IBX-2211: Fixed used menu rendering after code rebranding (#61)
- IBX-2233: Products are not display in Product Catalog and Product Category (#64)
Changes between ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop-ui v1.1.0 and ibexa/commerce-shop-ui v4.0.0
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-127: restoring the possibility of adding products to the stored basket (#13)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#15)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#14)
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated twig functions (#5)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/commerce-shop-ui to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#9)
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#32)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#12)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/commerce-shop-ui repository (#14)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#16)
- EC-226: Fixed call to endpoint with sessionId (#10)
- EC-405: [Product page] Each specification header is linked (#12)
- IBX-276: Missing translations for product in prod mode (#21)
- IBX-521: Fix ibexa_icon_path in front-office twigs (#16)
- IBX-581: Product variations don't work properly on frontend (#17)
- IBX-595: [Product page] Specification dropdowns dont work properly (#19)
- IBX-604: Product characteristic should be escaped (#18)
- IBX-606: Currency rates no longer applied when showing products (#23)
- IBX-608: Commerce Add to basket button is enabled before a variation is selected (#20)
- IBX-651: [Product page] Cannot add product variants to wish list and compare (#22)
- IBX-672: Fixing condition to show title on add to stored basket and add to wishlist [product page] (#24)
Changes between ezsystems/ezplatform-connector-dam v1.1.0 and ibexa/connector-dam v4.0.0
- IBX-1005: [Connector DAM] As a developer I want to have js code style used in code (#37)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#41)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator
- IBX-268: Redesign buttons for 4.0 (#31)
- IBX-395: Updated code to Bootstrap 5 (#35)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#32)
- IBX-497: Redesign tabs for 4.0 (#34)
- IBX-631: Redesigned ezimage, ezimageasset (#36)
- IBX-913: Fixed wrong tests namespace (#40)
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated twig functions (#4)
- IBX-1332: Added main search box for all DAM connectors (#3)
- IBX-1332: Fixed form rendering when no form is provided
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/connector-dam to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Align code to latest standards
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1334: Cleanup rebranded ibexa/connector-dam code
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#10)
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#47)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#12)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#17)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/connector-dam repository (#19)
- IBX-1210: Rebranded @ezdesign ibexa/connector-dam repository (#21)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#22)
- IBX-1696: Aligned parameter usage after rebranding (#23)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in comments (#24)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#25)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in PR template (#26)
- EZEE-3480: Renamed private property for serializing purposes (#30)
- IBX-972: Fixed incorrect JSON encoding for ImageAsset null data (#38)
- IBX-1640: Added border in full width (#11)
- IBX-1917: Moved close button in modal (#16)
- IBX-1915: Removed tooltip from dam button (#15)
Changes between ezsystems/ezplatform-elastic-search-engine v1.2.0 and ibexa/elasticsearch v4.0.0
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#37)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#34)
- IBX-297: Added support for Random sort clause (#32)
- IBX-704: Added support for LocationChildrenAggregation (#35)
- IBX-1589: Renamed Extension ezplatform_elastic_search_engine to ibexa_elasticsearch (#4)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/elasticsearch to use new namespaces
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#45)
- IBX-1699: Bump default for Elasticsearch (#46)
- IBX-1699: Bump default for Elasticsearch (#46)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#8)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#12)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#13)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#14)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in comments (#15)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#16)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in PR template (#17)
- IBX-1410: Added
Criterions handling (#41) - IBX-269: Added track_total_hits parameter to ES query payload (#31)
Changes between ezsystems/ezplatform-http-cache-fastly v2.0.0 and ibexa/fastly v4.0.0
- EZEE-3422: Backported LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files change for v2.0.x
- EZEE-3422: Prepared LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files for 3.3 release (#21)
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#25)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#29)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#27)
- IBX-1589: Renamed Extension ez_platform_fastly_cache to ibexa_fastly (#6)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/fastly to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#34)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#10)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#11)
- IBX-1784: Changed the default VCL file to support x-lang header (#35)
- IBX-1696: Removed class parameters from ibexa/fastly repository (#13)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#14)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#15)
- IBX-1734: Added PR assigner workflow (#36) (#37)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase
Changes between ezsystems/ezplatform-icons v1.1.0 and ibexa/icons v4.0.0
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1116: Added flag icon (#18)
- IBX-1291: As an Editor, I want to have redesign autosave (#15)
- IBX-1306: Personalization dashboard fixes (#16)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator
- IBX-497: Change options icon (#5)
- IBX-612: Add warning-triangle icon (#6)
- IBX-635: Added icon localize (#8)
- IBX-650: redesign main menu (#7)
- IBX-880: new icon collapse; modified icons back, profile, view-desktop, view-tablet (#9)
- IBX-901: New checkbox icon design (#10)
- IBX-1488: Added database icon (#7)
- IBX-1065: Added bell icon (#8)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/icons to use new namespaces
- IBX-1535: Added icon 'go-right' (#10)
- IBX-1515: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned Create translation (#12)
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#21)
- IBX-1367: Sidebars adjustments (#17)
- IBX-1711: Updated view hide icon (#13)
- IBX-2079: Addded icons personalize and product catalog (#15)
- IBX-1632,1633,1634,1763: Added icons for image editor (#16)
Changes between ibexa/image-editor v1.0.0 and ibexa/image-editor v4.0.0
- IBX-1528: Redesigned modals (#44)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/image-editor to use new namespaces (#43)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names (#45)
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#47)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#49)
- IBX-1853: Changed services names to FQCN or rebranded ones (#51)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/image-editor repository (#54)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#57)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#58)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#59)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in PR template (#60)
Changes between ibexa/installer v1.0.0 and ibexa/installer v4.0.0
- IBX-1462: Introduced feature Provisioners (#46)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/installer to use new namespaces (#45)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/installer to use new namespaces (#47)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#51)
- IBX-1853: Changed services names to FQCN or rebranded ones (#53)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#54)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in comments (#55)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#56)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded leftover siso_basket occurrences (#57)
Changes between ibexa/migrations v1.0.0 and ibexa/migrations v4.0.0
- IBX-1305: Fixed converting timestamps (#281)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/migrations to use new namespaces (#283)
- IBX-1568: Added reference for role id to create and update mode
- IBX-1853: Changed services names to FQCN or rebranded ones (#292)
- IBX-1853: Fixed output to match new service names
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/migrations repository (#293)
- IBX-1809: Allow usage of AbstractStepExecutorTest outside of ibexa/migrations
- IBX-2074: Allow updating Role Policies by appending them
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#301)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in comments (#302)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in code
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#304)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in PR template (#305)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded leftover siso_basket occurrences (#306)
- IBX-1586 | IBX-1587: Fixes issues with MigrateCommand status code (#282)
- IBX-1792: Allowed using AbstractStepExecutor without references
- IBX-661: Added possible assign section in content update mode via action
- IBX-1942: Fixed Role Create/Update actions executed twice (#289)
- IBX-1489: Adjusted dependencies and CI for PHP8
Changes between ibexa/oauth2-client v1.0.0 and ibexa/oauth2-client v4.0.0
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/oauth2-client to use new namespaces (#12)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#18)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#19)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#20)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#21)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in PR template (#22)
Changes between ezsystems/ezplatform-personalization v1.0.0 and ibexa/personalization v4.0.0
- RSYS-3135: Dropped subscribed events for create and update content (#40)
- EZP-32259: Replaced "ezplatform" commands namespace with "ibexa"
- EZEE-3422: Prepared LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files for 3.3 release (#47)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#52)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1251: Moved tests to Ibexa\PersonalizationClient namespace (#79)
- IBX-199: Fixed multi-category paths (#92)
- IBX-1384: Personalization - scenario preview redesign (#10)
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated twig functions (#15)
- IBX-1528: Redesigned modals (#19)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/personalization to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Align code to latest standards
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1385: Scenario edit redesign (#11)
- IBX-1386: Model edit redesign (#13)
- IBX-1627: Merged ibexa/personalization-client to ibexa/personalization (#22)
- IBX-1334: Cleanup rebranded ibexa/personalization-client code
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#23)
- IBX-1667: Fixed custom parameters in constraints UniqueScenarioName and UniqueScenarioReferenceCode (#247)
- IBX-1659: Models & Scenarios tables redesign (#26)
- IBX-1770: Renamed RecommendationController to RecommendationPreviewController
- IBX-1588: Added mapped category paths names to form view
- IBX-1588: Add category select (#35)
- IBX-1716: scenario and model detail view redesign (#38)
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#250)
- IBX-1864: Improved content DataResolver
- IBX-1482: Implemented attributes search in reco engine Elasticserach database (#12)
- IBX-1482: Fixed SearchAttributeDataFetcherTest (#43)
- IBX-202: Refactored Exporter (#44)
- IBX-1739: Added segments to user tracker (#28)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#40)
- IBX-1739: Added event for user tracking renderer options, removed segmentation dependency (#46)
- IBX-1744: Merged page-block-personalization into ezplatform-personalization (#251)
- IBX-1972: Refactored LocationHelper::getParentLocationPathString
- IBX-1983: Renamed EzRecommendationClient to PersonalizationClient
- IBX-1757: Welcome screen redesign (#55)
- IBX-1853: Rebranded services names (#53)
- IBX-1791: Change 'Full import' label to 'Last update' (#56)
- IBX-1395: Refactored FileManager
- IBX-2001: Added PasswordHasher
- IBX-2010: Removed custom option from quantifier list
- IBX-1233: Segments - UI implementation (#24)
- IBX-2022: Fixed second level menu
- IBX-2009: Added search attributes for editorial model list (#65)
- IBX-2001: Added PasswordHasher to ExportAuthenticator to verify password (#69)
- IBX-2013: Welcome screen improvements (#63)
- IBX-2031: Fixed REST controllers definition (#70)
- IBX-193: Dropped API namespace (#54)
- IBX-1233: Added choice field to select submodels or segments in scenario strategy (#16)
- IBX-2038: Fixed invalid category path value exception
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/personalization repository (#60)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/personalization repository (#74)
- IBX-747: Dropped ContentService
- IBX-746: Dropped obsolete field value parser (#76)
- IBX-206: Dropped RecommendationRandomContentEventSubscriber
- IBX-2055: Registered missing Subscribers as a service
- IBX-2056: Dropped ExportController::exportAction
- IBX-2058: Renamed ez_recommendation to ibexa_personalization in REST paths
- IBX-748: Refactored ContentHelper
- IBX-2007: Rebranded REST media-type names (#77)
- IBX-2063: Dropped ImageHelper
- IBX-204: Dropped ezrecommendation namespace
- IBX-2061: Rebranded REST route prefix in ibexa/personalization repository (#82)
- IBX-2071: Fixed generate REST urls
- IBX-2078: Renamed RECOMMENDATION envs
- IBX-198: Dropped SPI/Content and related classes
- IBX-2082: Switched to ibexa domains
- IBX-1210: Rebranded @ezdesign ibexa/personalization repository (#92)
- IBX-2153: Moved ConfigResolverInterface into contracts (#95)
- IBX-2171: Fixed reverse transform (#96)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#97)
- IBX-204: Dropped ezrecommendation namespace
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded namespaces in comments (#99)
- IBX-2201: Fixed parameter output_type_attributes to be optional (#100)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#102)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in PR template (#105)
- IBX-2228: Reordered customerId paramater in paths (#107)
- IBX-2234: Added typeId to SearchHit (#109)
- IBX-2244: Fixed redirect to dashboard after switched customerId (#113)
- IBX-2241: Added category path label in scenario excluded categories (#111)
- IBX-2080: Fix Add scenario button margin (#115)
- EZEE-3140: Fixed data export (#19)
- EZEE-3407: Fixed hide Content Location (#41)
- EZEE-3331: Fixed LoginListener when user login via API (#42)
- EZP-32229: Fixed ExportCredentials for alphanumerical user login (#43)
- IBX-113: Fixed content relation configuration (#48)
- IBX-929: Removed unused DeleteLocationEvent (#75)
- IBX-924: Fixed LoginListener when user login via JWT (#78)
- IBX-975: Fixed no value returned by
while running some of the Symfony commands - IBX-1341: Fixed inject valid CredentialsResolver (#88)
- IBX-1428: Handled
return values correctly in hasSettingUpdateAccess method (#244) - IBX-1448: Prevented sending login when customer_id is empty (#93)
- IBX-1608: Added possibility to add field by click (#29)
- IBX-1812: Added labels in table buttons (#37)
- IBX-1958: Fixed missing list_title variable
- IBX-2048: Fixed error if recommendation engine is not available (#73)
- IBX-2064: Dropped SiteAccessHelper
- IBX-2046: Fix scenario edit - strategy dropdowns (#72)
- IBX-2091: Scenario edit/create fixes (#98)
- IBX-2092: Fix scenario preview issues (#101)
- IBX-2092: Fixed preview error message in Scenario preview (#103)
- IBX-2213: Fixed OutputTypeAttributesMapper to get configured attributes based on customerId (#104)
- IBX-2219: Fixed OutputTypeAttributesResolver to resolve parameters based on customerId (#106)
- IBX-2229: Fix editorial models JS console error (#108)
- IBX-2239: Fix disabled confirmation button on scenario remove (#110)
- IBX-2243: Add relevant history info to segments sidebar (#112)
- IBX-2245: Fix ibaxa-container styling in dashboard (#114)
Changes between ezsystems/date-based-publisher v4.3.0 and ibexa/scheduler v4.0.0
- EZEE-3398: Fixed delete notification (#216)
- EZP-32246: Fixed loading Content/Location not utilizing alwaysAvailableFlag (#214)
- IBX-1026: Changed icon size in extra actions header (#240)
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#221)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1116: redesign calendar (#251)
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#242)
- IBX-1259: As an Editor, I want to have redesigned config forms in Page Builder (#247)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator
- IBX-268: Redesign buttons for 4.0 (#224)
- IBX-395: Updated code to Bootstrap 5 (#230)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#226)
- IBX-431: Allowed interception of scheduling the publish action (#238)
- IBX-492: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned tables (#233)
- IBX-612: Input field (ibexa-input--text) with ibexa-label redesign (#228)
- IBX-615: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned checkbox and radio buttons in all states (#227)
- IBX-809: Redesigned dashboard (#231)
- IBX-826: Moved jobs from travis to GHA date-based-publisher (#236)
- IBX-836: Redesigned headers (#232)
- IBX-880: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned Page Builder edit mode (#235)
- IBX-901: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned alerts (#237)
- IBX-1543: Replaced deprecated twig functions (#21)
- IBX-1528: Redesigned modals (#23)
- IBX-1589: Renamed Extension ez_systems_date_based_publisher to ibexa_scheduler (#25)
- IBX-1334: Rebranded ibexa/scheduler to use new namespaces
- IBX-1334: Rebranded extensions and templates to use new names
- IBX-1334: Cleanup rebranded ibexa/scheduler code (#27)
- IBX-1689: Change all ez- classes/IDs and eZ variables in frontend part (#28)
- IBX-1734: Added cross-org merge workflow (#254)
- IBX-1694: Rebranded dependency injection container service tags (#33)
- IBX-1853: Changed services names to FQCN or rebranded ones (#35)
- IBX-1853: Fixed BuildSchemaSubscriber new name (#36)
- IBX-1998: Rebranded routes in ibexa/scheduler repository (#38)
- IBX-2007: Rebranded REST media-type names (#40)
- IBX-1998: Fixed wrong cancel hide route name (#43)
- IBX-2061: Rebranded REST route prefix in ibexa/scheduler repository (#42)
- IBX-1696: Removed class parameters from ibexa/scheduler repository (#44)
- IBX-1734: Added PR assigner workflow (#255)
- IBX-1696: Rebranded Container parameters and Config Resolver namespaces (#46)
- IBX-1853: Used rebranded Ibexa name in codebase (#49)
- EZEE-3398: Fixed delete notification (#216)
- EZP-32246: Fixed loading Content/Location not utilizing alwaysAvailableFlag (#214)
- IBX-1026: Changed icon size in extra actions header (#240)
- IBX-1286: Tables template XSS vulnerability - default |raw (#250)
- IBX-283: Obsolete dependencies in date based publisher (#222)
29)) - IBX-1618: Fix clear button position (#30)
- IBX-1812: Added labels in table buttons (#34)
- IBX-1890: Added actions block to alerts (#45)
Changes between ezsystems/ezplatform-version-comparison v1.3.0 and ibexa/version-comparison v4.0.0
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#67)
- IBX-1190: Updated readme to fit new template (#69)
- IBX-1211: Redesigned version comparison (#72)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator (#60)
- IBX-268: Redesign buttons for 4.0 (#57)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#58)
- IBX-492: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned tables (#62)
- IBX-901: Redesign ez-alert (now ibexa-alert) for 4.0 (#63)
- IBX-997: [Version comparison] As a developer I want to have js code style used in code (#64)
- EZEE-3462: [Footer] unnecessary footer in version comparison (#55)
- IBX-1286: Tables template XSS vulnerability - default |raw (#71)
- IBX-300: Removed UTC from Date test after changed ezdate field (#59)
Changes between ezsystems/ezplatform-workflow v2.3.0 and ibexa/workflow v4.0.0
- EZEE-3521: Fixed untranslatable fields being unnecessarily updated (#192)
- EZP-32179: Add footer to platform when user is logged in (#177)
- IBX-105: Added automatic release creation on tag push (#182)
- IBX-1111: Updated Ibexa Business License Agreement
- IBX-1171: Prepared 4.0 alpha release (#232)
- IBX-1246: Redesigned search page (#243)
- IBX-153: Added missing indexes definitions to schema.yaml (#183)
- IBX-261: Updated changelog generator
- IBX-268: Redesign buttons for 4.0 (#189)
- IBX-395: Updated code to Bootstrap 5 (#199)
- IBX-397: Redesign main layout (#193)
- IBX-422: As a Maintainer, I want to have rebranded icons (#191)
- IBX-431: Adjusted codebase after 2.3 merge
- IBX-431: Allowed to lock & unlock drafts in workflow (#211)
- IBX-492: As an Editor, I want to see redesigned tables (#204)
- IBX-497: Redesign tabs for 4.0 (#194)
- IBX-809: Redesigned dashboard (#200)
- IBX-823: Added validate parameter to translation to enable/disable form validation before send review (#205)
- IBX-826: Moved jobs from travis to GHA in ezplatform-workflow. (#208)
- IBX-836: Redesigned headers (#202)
- IBX-892: Moved Behat out of tests
- IBX-913: Fixed test namespace
- IBX-996: [Workflow] As a developer I want to have js code style used in code (#221)
- EZEE-3521: Fixed untranslatable fields being unnecessarily updated (#192)
- IBX-1026: Changed icon size in extra actions header (#225)
- IBX-1039: Fixed dashboard table (#230)
- IBX-1286: Tables template XSS vulnerability - default |raw (#242)
- IBX-803: Added Workflow Metadata cleanup on publish + command (#212)
- IBX-877: Fixed workflow dashboard lists to include items returned to initial stage (#224)
- IBX-953: Fixed role copy with policy with limitation Version Lock (#218)
ibexa/content-tree v4.0.0
New repository.
ibexa/product-catalog v4.0.0
New repository.
ibexa/taxonomy v4.0.0
New repository.
ibexa/tree-builder v4.0.0
New repository.