3.8.0 (2020-10-30)
Bug Fixes
aws: properly create clients given session credential expiration (de59c76 )
deploy: better handle more exceptions in monitor server job (33d6e76 )
deploy: check for null nonce in status file (660c9c6 )
Deployment: handle static OSM extract URLs (e73e5b0 ), closes #349
deps: Bump gtfs-lib to 6.1.0 (f8f0adc )
update to latest gtfs-lib version (fe81488 )
deploy: correctly create longer-lasting AWS sessions (004f6de )
deploy: create job for recreating graph build image (f0241a2 )
deploy: properly check for null otp-runner nonce (7503f0e )
deploy: properly escape tab characters in otp config files (f87934d )
deploy: use fresh ec2 client and catch terminate instance exceptions (be81ea6 )
deploy: use nonce to ensure integrity of otp-runner status file (f08b5e1 )
deploy: validate the graph build AMI when saving server (cd884b2 )
deps: bump gtfs-lib to 6.0.3 (9e8d73f ), closes #313
feed-merge: remove trips that ref service_ids skipped in merge (f0355da ), closes #339
FeedStore: write temp GTFS files with .zip suffix (09fd9e4 ), closes #333
FeedVersion: Run MTCValidator only if 'mtc' extension is enabled. (0992317 )
FeedVersion, gtfsplus.yml: Add call to MTCValidator, change gtfsplus.yml to match MTC guideline (3ba001c )
logback.xml: fix logback formatting for IDE links (065d509 )
Mongo: update MongoDB Java driver to 4.x (9f74b82 )
Revert "ci(travis): remove clean branch cp" (a2e9d6c )
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