This project adds to HBase native support of the Parquet format. Data in Parquet format can be consumed from a large range of analytics frameworks like Spark and Flink. In the current version we support export of HBase data to Parquet format. We plan to enable all operations (Get,Scan,Put) to use the Parquet format.
Use this docker image to get started.
docker run -it --hostname=docker.local -p 8080:8080 -p 16010:16010 yiannisgkoufas/hbaquet:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT /bin/bash
Once you are inside the docker container, start Hbase and Spark:
Visit localhost:16010 and localhost:8080 to confirm that both services are up and running. Create the Parquet-enabled table and populate it with some test data.
Alternatively, if you want to create and populate the table manually, execute the following:
$ hbase shell
hbase(main):001:0> create 'test','d',{PARQUET_SCHEMA => '{required binary key (UTF8); optional double d:test;}'}
# Exit the hbase shell
$ java -cp "/root/hbaquet-bin/lib/*" org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.example.MultiThreadedClientExample test 5000
Now go into hbase shell to export the new table in Parquet format:
$ hbase shell
hbase(main):001:0> exportToParquet 'test'
Now the data are accessible in Parquet format and can be directly imported into Spark.
$ spark-shell --master spark://docker.local:7077
# In this case we are accessing local files, but the same applies if we were accessing HDFS
# In the path displayed below, change "default" with the namespace you are using and "test" with the name of the table you created
scala> var data ="/tmp/hbase-root/hbase/data/default/test/*.parquet")
You can execute the full range of SparkSQL operations on that dataset. Few examples:
Count Data
scala> data.count
res0: Long = 398315
Run SQL commands
scala> data.registerTempTable("mytable")
scala> spark.sql("SELECT * from mytable WHERE `d:test` > 0.3").count()
res2: Long = 273480
Yiannis Gkoufas: [email protected]