this is just a personal project i made to generate and push to my static pages and rss feed at and post to discord webhook
this isnt perfect and does require manual intervention. for instance. if you need to edit a post. you have to delete it from the rss feed aka the xml file. else you will have duplicates.
well its all shell. except for converting from md to html. witch you need hoedown.
- download hoedown
- extract and compile it. should just be make.
- download this repo
- put hoedown in this repo ./
- make a directoy in this repo. static
- make a file called static-style.css in static/
- make a folder inside static for your 'posting' page.
- copy config.def.txt as config.txt and config it.
- prime folder is if on your webserver you want everything in a sub-directory. leave as is if you dont want it. must have trailing /!
- make post the same name as your 'posting' page
- copy index.xml and index.html to static/'posting' or static/primefolder/posting.
- in edit the head -n 6 to get the top half of your index.html page. and make the one below your number +1
- optional
- make a file discord_api.txt and put a webhook api in there if you want to
and that shoooould be everything
for this ill use as a example
- only run this while in the same directory as this repo. i havent edited this to run outside it, for now.
- to run you can run if you have files from a website that allready has a simmular setup //will use the config for url to pull from
- run ./
and check static/post/index.html - run ./
and check static/post/index.xml - run ./
and check static/post/list/filename/index.html - if you have a discord webhook and thats config'd run ./
and check your webhook channel - run ./ or upload files to your webserver
- in if ./ or file isnt defined it wont add the posting file, instead it will just update the existing files.
- instead of defining posting page in config. make directory for each posting page then use directory name for post
- somthing i dont remember
- error checking. mainly input file checking.