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Idafen Santana Pérez edited this page Jul 22, 2016 · 1 revision

Development guide.

This guide explain how to develop WebAR2DTool on eclipse.

Table of Contents

  1. Install Eclipse
  2. Import the project
  3. Configure WebAR2DTool
  4. Run developer server
  5. Important files

1) Install Eclipse.

The firts step is install eclipse.
Download from:
Follow the next installation manual and install it:

2) Import the project.

Go to "File" -> "Import" in the open window select "Maven" and click on "Existing Maven Project", on next step choose the root directory (where the pom.xml of WebAR2DTool project is located) and click finish.
The project is imported.

3) Configure WebAR2DTool

For configure WebAR2DTool follow the link:
Configure WebAR2DTool

4) Run developer server.

In this section will explain how to run the web application for developing it.
Navigate on project explorer "src" -> "main" -> "webapp" do right click on index.jsp and click on "Run as" -> "Run on Server".
Choose your web java server.
Recommended server (Download and extract it): Apache Tomcat 8

Click on "Browse..." and go to the server folder, select it.

Add the project to "Configured" box and click finish.

On Eclipse appear new tab with the URL for development, if you prefer you can put this URL on a browser. For configure the tomcat server (for choose port or other options) visit the next webpage:

5) Important files.

  1. index.jsp:
    Location: src/main/webapp/index.jsp
    This file contains the HTML of WebAR2DTool (Include configuration container).
  2. AR2DToolMethods class:
    Location: src/main/java Java package:
    This class contains the RESTFul services.
  3. AR2DToolManager class: Location: src/main/java Java package: es.upm.oeg.webAR2DTool.managers.AR2DToolManager
    This class contains the code that manage each session ID.
  4. WebAR2DToolThread class:
    Location: src/main/java Java package: es.upm.oeg.webAR2DTool.threads.WebAR2DToolThread
    The thread that executes AR2DTool for generate the images.
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