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Controls in Nexus Bridge

Oleg edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 28 revisions

From the perspective of the Nexus Bridge, form and list applets expose the controls. In the case of the list applet, the list columns are a subset of the controls.

Main Attributes of Controls

There are two main types of the attributes:

  • Static Attributes. The value of the attribute could be retrieved once and is not expected to be changed.
  • Dynamic Attributes. The value could be changed. Currently there are only two dynamic properties: readonly and currencyCode.

Static Attributes

Some prominent attributes of the control:

  • currencyCodeField. Returns the currency code field name (as in the Siebel Tools).

  • dataType. Returns the data type of the underlying business component field.

  • displayFormat. Checks the Display Format property of the control/list column is in the Tools; if the property is not specified and the control is displaying date or datetime value, the locale format is returned. E.g. if the value in the Tools is Date TimeNoSec, the displayFormat could be DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm (depending on the used locale).

  • fieldName.

  • iconMap.

  • isLOV. When true, the control exposes dynamic or static picklist, and you can find out the available values calling the getLOV method.

  • isPostChanges. When true, every update triggers the request to the server and changes the Presentation Model.

  • label. The control's label as specified in the Tools.

  • maxSize. The allowed length of the text field.

  • name. Control/list column name in the Tools.

  • options. Available values for static picklist.

  • props. The control's PM properties configured in the Siebel Tools.

  • required. Read here.

  • staticPick. True when the control exposes the static picklist, it means the available values are never changed and could be found in the options attribute.

  • uiType/popupType.

Dynamic Attributes

  • currencyCode. 3-letters currency code (e.g. USD, EUR).

  • readonly. Check the value of this property, and don't try to update the value of readonly control; it will be checked inside the NexusBridge.