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Oleg edited this page Apr 5, 2023 · 8 revisions

Some of available methods that could be used to navigate in the recordset:

  • nextRecord({async}) - moves the selection to the next record in the recordset. When needed, the next record is fetched from the server.

  • nextRecordSet({async}) - makes sense only for the list applet. Gets the next recordset.

  • positionOnRow(index, keys, skipIfAlreadyPositioned) - makes sense only for the list applet. The first input parameter is the zero-based index of the list applet row. Position the selection on the specified row in the list applet (it is not supposed to scroll the recordset, just to change the selection). Returns true if the positioning was successful. It is possible to position on the already selected record, and it triggers the server call and returns true. keys is the optional object {ctrlKey, shiftKey} to indicate if Ctrl or Shift key "pressed" to allow selecting the several records (all records could be selected by invokeMethod('SelectAll')). The third parameter skipIfAlreadyPositioned allows to do not call the Siebel method if the cursor is already positioned on the same row.

  • prevRecord({async}) - moves the selection to the previous record in the recordset. It works only for the form applets; for the list applets, the positionOnRow should be used.

  • prevRecordSet({async}) - makes sense only for list applet. Gets the previous recordset.

Note: The HTML Number Of Rows property of the list applet object in the Allow allows to change the default amount of the rows that list applet displays. To reduce the amount of scrolls, the value of this property could be set to the higher value; however too high value could affect the view loading performance.