A complete Windows IoT class library for the Raspberry Pi "Sense HAT" (C#)
The solution contains the following projects:
- Rpi.SenseHat
- RPi.SenseHat.View
- RPi.SenseHat.Tools
- RT.IoT.Sensors
The Rpi.SenseHat is the main library. It contains a nice API to the Raspberry Sense HAT in C#. The Rpi.SenseHat is dependent on the RT.IoT.Sensors project, which is a library for managing the sensor readings from the Sense HAT. That project is currently a copy of another github repository until no NuGet of it is available.
The RPi.SenseHat.View project is an application that you can run on the Raspberry Pi 2 | Raspberry Pi 3. It doesn't utilize the regular UI, so there is no need to connect it to a monitor using the HDMI port. The application comes with a number of views. You must choose what view to run by modifying the code in the "Selector" class. It should be fairly obvious what to do there. :-)
The RPi.SenseHat.Tools is a regular Windows console application that was used to test out some of the calculations that was needed in the actual library. It also contains the process of converting a bitmap holding a font image into a "compiled" byte array that can be used by the font classes of the Sense HAT library.
To get started:
Open the solution in Visual Studio 2017.
Make sure the "RPi.SenseHat.View" project is the start-up project.
Choose "ARM" as the solution platform.
Direct the debugging to a "Remote Machine" -- and make sure you enter the IP-address of your Raspberry Pi (and no authentication should be used).
Edit the Selector class (in the root of the "RPi.SenseHat.View" project) to select which view to run.
Regarding thread safety:
The SenseHatFactory.Singleton.GetSenseHat() call is thread-safe, but the rest of the API is not.
It's deliberately not thread-safe to maximize performance, so you should avoid calling (for instance) the Update method on the sensors simultaneously from different threads (but you may call it from any thread).
- Changes by Mahmoud Saleh https://github.com/msalehmsft/RPi.SenseHat
A version of RPI.SenseHat that works with Lightning This version of the RPI.SenseHat works with either the default drivers or the Lighting (DMAP) drivers on IOT Core. The change adds a dependency on the latest Lightning Nuget package, v1.1.0 and updates the sources, so it default to the Lightning driver if enabled.
- Changes by https://github.com/Stefan-Xp/RPi.SenseHat
- TODO? :: Addded the "Threadending" to all Views - Now it is possible to switch through different Views using the "Next" Button on the GUI
- TODO :: Added Views "ScrollingClock" and "BinaryClock?" which do exactly what you would think of them on the LED Matrix