It is a CLI use case that if you provide your Binance API key and secret key (which will be stored in a .env file in your machine) to use them to make HTTP requests to the Binance API it will show you (by now)
- Amount of each currency you have with its respective values in USD
- Total USD you have in cryptocurrencies
A key idea is to extend this to more wallets.
You need to have Go 1.18 in your machine. Then run at project's root folder
go1.18beta1 run main.go
or you can build an executable with
go1.18beta1 build
and then run with
Few ideas are
- Add support manipulate information from different wallets and cryptocurrency platforms
- Add functionalities such as historical values that implies a database
- Extend use case to make an interesting CLI application
- As a server-side of a web page
- Go 1.18 beta 1
- Following CLEAN architecture
- Following TDD for domain package implementation