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LAMP and MEAN Docker

Use Docker first and learn about it later.

Installation Instructions

1. Download and install Docker.

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-cache policy docker-ce
sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce
sudo systemctl status docker

curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

You just follow the on screen commands.

2. Clone the repository

git clone

3. Setup your environment

Copy the .env file and point it to your project by editing the APPLICATIONS variable.

cd dockerstack
cp .env.example .env

4. Open the Menu

chmod +x

Lamp menu preview

  • Then choose number 0 to build the containers (this will initially take a lot of time)
  • LAMP stack containers are:
    • apache2
    • mysql
    • workspace (php 7.0 / 7.3)
    • php-fpm (php 5.6 / 7.0 / 7.2 / 7.3)
    • mailhog
  • MEAN stack containers are:
    • node
    • mongo
    • mailhog
  • Extra containers included:
    • phpmyadmin
    • mariadb
    • rethinkdb
    • php-worker
    • elasticsearch
    • beanstalkd
    • redis
    • memcached

5. Finally

That's it! You can start using the Docker containers in any combination.

*If you are in windows run the CREATE_SHORTCUTS.bat batch file included in the dockerstack directory.
It creates a shortcut for the menu file with all the available commands.
Although, it assumes you have Git for Windows installed in Program Files/Git/ directory.

Good luck