Following these steps should get you to the hbase shell in 3 minutes.
- Java 8
- Apache Maven
- Cloud SDK
gcloud components update
gcloud components install alpha beta
- Bash or cygwin
- A copy of this project installed on your computer
Go to the Cloud Console and create or select your project.
Enable Billing (if not all ready).
Create a new Bigtable Instance
Select APIs & Auth > APIs
Verify that both the Cloud Bigtable API and the Cloud Bigtable Admin API are enabled.
Initialize gcloud via
gcloud init
. This will initialize your credentials, your default cloud zone and project id. -
chmod +x
will write a valid hbase-site.xml for you.
Alternatively you can just use maven directly.
mvn clean package exec:exec -Dbigtable.projectID=... -Dbigtable.instanceID=...
HBase Shell; enter 'help<RETURN>' for list of supported commands.
Type "exit<RETURN>" to leave the HBase Shell
Version 1.2.1, rd0a115a7267f54e01c72c603ec53e91ec418292f, Tue Jun 23 14:56:34 PDT 2015
Create a table (tableName, Column Family)
create 'test', 'cf'
List Tables
Add some data
put 'test', 'row1', 'cf:a', 'value1'
put 'test', 'row2', 'cf:b', 'value2'
put 'test', 'row3', 'cf:c', 'value3'
Scan the table for data
scan 'test'
Get a single row of data
get 'test', 'row1'
Disable a table
disable 'test'
Drop the table
drop 'test'