To run the example project, clone the repo, and run iOS-Example project.
iOS 8.0 and higher
- It is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "IKProgressView"
- It is available through Carthage. Use
github 'igorkislyuk/ikprogressview'
- You can simply drag'n'drop IKProgressView.swift in you project
Cool radial animated progress view.
setProgress(XXX, animated: YYY, ZZZ)
- method for setting progress animated or not. Completion is required due to animation performs with redraw whole progress view. XXX - float of progress, YYY - Bool value, ZZZ - required completion Note: if you know how to implement this stuff using CoreAnimation, or high-level API, feel free to contact me. -
- mean that progress view will use whole view, measure it sizes itself -
- radiuses for progress view. Note: only usable within turn off-edfilledView
- static view, or active redrawing with gradient animation.
There are some inner setting, you can play with.
See docs
folder for exhaustive documentation
Igor Kislyuk, [email protected]
IKProgressView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.