- 🎂 Birthdate: 1989-04-16
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- ⚓️ Home City: Yokohama
- 🏙 Lives in: Tokyo
- 💬 Languages:
- 🇯🇵 Japanese (Bilingual of Osaka/Tokyo dialects)
- 🇬🇧 English (As I write this page and send you some pull requests with little help of machine translation)
- 🇨🇳 Chinese (A little)
- igrep/ts-that-grow
- 🎄I invented this solution to solve a problem of the no-code app in my job. See the original article or its Japanese version for details.
- igrep/toy-browser-on-browser
- NOTE: 🇯🇵README is written in Japanese.
- 🚀A tiny browser engine that runs on a browser. I created this to learn how a browser engine works.
- Its demo is available at https://toy-browser-on-browser.igreque.info/.
- igrep/svelte-store-tree (Deprecated)
- 🌲I created this to manage the state of an AST of the no-code app in my job. It made it a little easier to operate on the nested structure.
- But just a little. I found it has many problems after releasing. Deprecated since Svelte 5's
is deeply reactive.
- But just a little. I found it has many problems after releasing. Deprecated since Svelte 5's
- See also the introduction articles below:
- 🌲I created this to manage the state of an AST of the no-code app in my job. It made it a little easier to operate on the nested structure.
- igrep/vertons
- NOTE: 🇯🇵The main contents are in Japanese.
- 🎮A hobby work to study for creating a visual programming environment. Available at https://the.igreque.info/works/vertons/.
- See フロントエンド開発者的週刊アスキーへの道(ならず) for details (in Japanese).
- haskell-jp/makeMistakesToLearnHaskell
- NOTE: 🇯🇵The main contents are in Japanese.
- A long introduction to Haskell for Japanese beginners.
- Features:
- Consists of exercises and explanations of knowledge necessary to do the exercises.
- In each chapter, the readers learn things only necessary to do the exercise.
- Recommends the readers to learn from error messages.
- I'm recently less interested in Haskell, but I don't want to give up finishing.
- custard-lang/custard
- 🍮Currently developed as a Clojure-like AltJS (language that is translated into JavaScript) for me.
- 🚧Still work in progress. Completely undocumented yet. Sorry!
- igrep/lean-workshop
- ⚖️I expect that the skill to use a theorem prover will help me to design/develop the language above in the future. That's why I started to learn Lean every two weeks with my friends. This is the repository to record what I wrote in the workshops.
- igrep/brick-break-anywhere
- Forked to learn how DOM works, as the original author @canalun told us in JSConfJP 2023.
- Important pull requests:
- igrep/translated-content
- I found translating MDN is a good way to learn web technologies more. I take part in a monthly online meetup to translate MDN into Japanese.
- igrep/typesafe-precure
- 🌟One of the most popular repositories I have ever created.
- See also (all in Japanese):
- igrep/yes-precure5-command
- 🌟Another of the most popular repositories.
- 😁I was very lucky that a popular Japanese article mentioned this app and many people found it funny!
- igrep/intro-mdn-translation-ja
- NOTE: 🇯🇵The main contents are in Japanese.
- This repository contains the script of the video that introduces the translation process of MDN into Japanese. The video was exhibited at the booth of "Mozilla翻訳コミュニティ" in オープンソースカンファレンス2024 Tokyo/Spring.
- 🎥The complete video is available at MDN 翻訳の流れ - YouTube in Japanese.
- igrep/daily-commits
- NOTE: 🇯🇵The main contents are in Japanese.
- This repository is my source of power. Keeping recording my day-to-day activities on this repository makes me motivated💪.
- One of the founders of Haskell-jp, a community for Haskell programmers in Japan.
- Published several articles about WebAssembly and Haskell etc. in external Japanese media. See the "執筆履歴" section in the links page of my web site for details.
- https://dev.to/igrep
- https://zenn.dev/igrep (in Japanese)
- https://qiita.com/igrep (in Japanese. Older articles)