270 commits
to master
since this release
- "prepare-recipe-logs" now takes a "populate-group1" option. When set, the GROUP1 colum of the resulting recipe_log file will be set to 1st OBSID of that row.
> python igr_pipe.py prepare-recipe-logs 20170314 --populate-group1
- "stellar-*" and "extended-*" commands will write output files named after its GROUP1 value (if GROUP1 values is "1", it will be replaced by the 1st OBSID; i.e., you don't have to regenerate recipe log files). For other recipes, GROUP1 should be either "1" or equal to the 1st OBSID.
HR3651, STD, 47, 1, 40.000000, A0V_AB, 47 48 49 50, A B B A
GJ1111, TAR, 51c, 47, 120.000000, STELLAR_AB, 51 52 53 54, A B B A
With above recipe_log file, output files will have names like (note that GROUP1 is set to '51c')
Instead of "-s" option with which you specifies 1st OBSID, you can use "-g" option to specify the group name.
> python igr_pipe.py stellar-ab 20170314 -b H -g 51c
- Commands such as "plot-spec" and "divide-a0v" takes an optional argument of "a0v" that specifies which a0v spectrum for the division. The value of a0v is interpreted as the GROUP1 value (which should equal to 1st OBSID). If the value of a0v is "GROUP2", the GROUP2 value in the recipe log file will be used.
> python igr_pipe.py divide-a0v 20170314 -b H -g 51c --a0v=47
> python igr_pipe.py divide-a0v 20170314 -b H -g 51c --a0v=GROUP2
- These has not been well tested, so please report bugs if you encounter problems.