Everything that linked with predictions.
About the users leagues.
- Node.js v8.x.x // NPM v5.X
- MongoDB v3.4
- PostgreSQL v9.6
- Redis v3.2.6
- React Native
- To create some new feature to the Repository
- feature{{FeatureNickName}}_{{HistoryNumber}}
- example: featureSignUp_04_23
- To fix something from development branchs to production branch
- fix{{FixNickName}}_{{HistoryNumber}}
- example: fixNavBar_05
Hot Fix
- To fix something from production branch to development branchs
- hfix{{HotFixNickName}}_{{HistoryNumber}}
- example: hfixPaymentCreditCard_08
- To development something to test new things
- poc{{PocNickName}}_{{HistoryNumber}}
- example: pocTestingGolf_06
(The project's styleguide rule overwrite the general rule from this styleguide)
- Use always 2 spaces, without tabs or 4 spaces.
- Use always English name to variables.
TODO: Check the https://github.com/airbnb/javascript/blob/master/README.md
- List all apps -> gcloud app versions list
- Deploy a version -> gcloud app deploy app.dev.yaml --version 0-0-5 --no-promote --quiet
- Stop a version -> gcloud app versions stop --service holi 0-0-5 --quiet
- Delete a version -> gcloud app versions delete --service holi 0-0-5 --quiet
- Migrate Traffic -> gcloud app services set-traffic personal --splits 0-0-5=1 --quiet
- List instances -> gcloud compute instances list
- Stop Redis -> gcloud compute instances stop redis-1-vm-1
- Start Redis -> gcloud compute instances start redis-1-vm-1
- List instances -> gcloud sql instances list