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LoopBack Example for API gateway: oAuth 2.0, rate limiting and reverse proxy


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loopback-gateway is an example application to demonstrate how to build an API gateway using LoopBack.

What is an API gateway

The API gateway is a component within systems architecture to externalize, secure and manage APIs. The API gateway sits as an intermediary between the many consumers of APIs - API clients and the many producers of the APIs on the backend - API servers.

You can see more information at:

The basic features

In this tutorial, we'll build a simplified version of API gateway using LoopBack. The gateway supports basic features listed below:

  • HTTPS: make sure all communication will be done with https
  • oAuth 2.0 based authentication & authorization: authenticate client applications and authorize them to access protected endpoints with approval from resource owners
  • Rate limiting: controls how many requests can be made within a given time period for identified api consumers
  • Reverse proxy: forward the requests to the server that hosts the api endpoint

The test scenario consists of three components:

  • A client application that invokes REST APIs
  • A loopback application (api gateway) that bridges the client application and the backend api
  • A loopback application (api server) serving the REST APIs

The architecture is illustrated in the diagram below.


Build the gateway application

The application is initially scaffolded using slc loopback command. We customize server/server.js to add specific features for the gateway.

Configure and ensure HTTPS

oAuth 2.0 states that the authorization server MUST require the use of TLS with server authentication for any request sent to the authorization and token endpoints.

There are two steps involved:

  1. Create the https server for the application

See for more details.

  1. Redirect incoming http requests to the https urls
var httpsRedirect = require('./middleware/https-redirect');
// Redirect http requests to https
var httpsPort = app.get('https-port');
app.use(httpsRedirect({httpsPort: httpsPort}));

Configure oAuth 2.0

The oAuth 2.0 integration is done using loopback-component-oauth2.

In our case, we configure the API gateway as both an authorization server and resource server.

Set up authorization server

The oAuth authorization server exposes the authorization endpoint to allow resource owners (users) to grant permissions to authenticated client applications. It also creates the token endpoint to issue access tokens to client applications with valid grants.

var oauth2 = require('loopback-component-oauth2').oAuth2Provider(
  app, {
    dataSource: app.dataSources.db, // Data source for oAuth2 metadata persistence
    loginPage: '/login', // The login page url
    loginPath: '/login' // The login processing url

Set up resource server

To protect endpoints with oAuth 2.0, we set up middleware that checks incoming requests for an access token and validate it with the information persisted on the server when the token is issued.

oauth2.authenticate(['/protected', '/api', '/me'], {session: false, scope: 'demo'});

Rate Limiting

Rate limiting controls how many API calls can be made from client applications within a certain period of time.

  • keys: identify who is making the api call. The keys can be the client application id, the user id, the client ip address, or a combination of more than one identities.
  • limit: the maximum number of requests
  • interval: the interval for the limit

The sample uses a token bucket based algorithm to enforce the rate limits based on authenticated client application ids.

var rateLimiting = require('./middleware/rate-limiting');
app.use(rateLimiting({limit: 100, interval: 60000}));


The proxy middleware allows incoming requests to be forwarded/dispatched to other servers. In this tutorial, we'll route /api/ to http://localhost:3002/api/. The implementation is based on node-http-proxy.

var proxy = require('./middleware/proxy');
var proxyOptions = require('./middleware/proxy/config.json');
  "rules": [
    "^/api/(.*)$ http://localhost:3002/api/$1 [P]"

Sign up client applications and users

oAuth 2.0 requires client applications to be registered. In this tutorial, we can simply create a new instance with the LoopBack built-in application model. The client id is 123 and the client secret is secret. The resource owner is basically a user. We create a user named bob with password secret for testing.

function signupTestUserAndApp() {
// Create a dummy user and client app
  app.models.User.create({username: 'bob',
    password: 'secret',
    email: '[email protected]'}, function(err, user) {

    if (!err) {
      console.log('User registered: username=%s password=%s',
        user.username, 'secret');

    // Hack to set the app id to a fixed value so that we don't have to change
    // the client settings
    app.models.Application.beforeSave = function(next) { = 123;
      this.restApiKey = 'secret';
        publicKey: sslCert.certificate
      function(err, demo) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
          console.log('Client application registered: id=%s key=%s',
  , demo.restApiKey);


Run the demo

There are a few steps to run the demo application.

Create the api server

$ slc loopback demo-api-server
$ cd demo-api-server
$ slc loopback:model note
[?] Enter the model name: note
[?] Select the data-source to attach note to: db (memory)
[?] Expose note via the REST API? Yes
[?] Custom plural form (used to build REST URL): 
Let's add some note properties now.

Enter an empty property name when done.
[?] Property name: title
   invoke   loopback:property
[?] Property type: string
[?] Required? No

Let's add another note property.
Enter an empty property name when done.
[?] Property name: content
   invoke   loopback:property
[?] Property type: string
[?] Required? No

Run the api server

PORT=3002 node .

Open a browser and point to http://localhost:3002/explorer. Locate the 'POST notes' section and add a few notes.

Run the gateway

node .

Test out https

Open a browser and point to http://localhost:3000. You will see the browser to be redirected to https://localhost:3001. Please note your browser might complain about the SSL certificate as it is self-signed. It's safe to ignore the warning and proceed.

Test out oAuth 2.0 and proxy

The home page shows multiple options to try out the oAuth 2.0 grant types. Let's start with the explicit flow.


Now you need to log in as the resource owner.


The following dialog requests permission from the resource owner (user) to approve the access by the client application.


Click allow. The browser will be redirected to the callback page.


The callback page builds the links with the access token. Click on 'Calling /api/notes'.


Test out rate limiting

To test rate limiting, please run the following script which sends 150 requests to the server. The script prints out the rate limit and remaining.

node server/scripts/rate-limiting-client.js

Test out JWT

We support JSON Web Token (JWT) as client authentication and authorization grant for oAuth 2.0. See for more details.

The first command requests an access token with a JWT token signed by the private key.

node server/scripts/jwt-client-auth.js

The second command requests an access token using a JWT token as the assertion type.

node server/scripts/jwt-client-auth.js <authorization code>


LoopBack Example for API gateway: oAuth 2.0, rate limiting and reverse proxy







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