#HPO analysis of RES families and 2017 HPO update
obo <- read_lines("hp.obo.txt")
num = which(obo == '[Term]')
obox <- substr(obo[num+1],5,length(obo[num+1]))
#start here
obo_tab <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(obox),ncol=3))
names(obo_tab) <- c("HPO","is_a","term")
obo_tab[,1] <- obox
obo_counter = 1
for(i in 1:length(obo))
if (obo[i] == "[Term]")
counter = i+1
id <- obo[counter]
name <- obo[counter+1]
obo1 <- substr(id,5,999)
obo2 <- substr(name,7,999)
while(substr(id,1,6) != 'is_a: ')
counter = counter+1
id <- obo[counter]
obo3 <- substr(obo[counter],7,16)
obo_tab[obo_counter,1] <- obo1
obo_tab[obo_counter,2] <- obo2
obo_tab[obo_counter,3] <- obo3
obo_counter = obo_counter+1
#this provides a table with the following properties
#HPO term, name, "is_a"