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DisService Overview

giacobenin edited this page Jan 25, 2016 · 5 revisions

DisService implements a publish-subscribe system that offers a delay-tolerant Dissemination Service for mobile ad-hoc networks. Data is published within a group, and delivered only to those client that subscribe that group.

DisService is written in C++. Its API can be use directly, or via proxies clients that connect to the DisServiceProxyServer via TCP connection.

By default DisService proxy clients and server communicate on port 56487. A different port can be specified in the DisService configuration file.

Project Structure

The following list describes the main directories and content of the DisService Project.

  • aci/cpp/DisService - Source files of the DisService Project
  • aci/cpp/DisService/linux - Linux Makefiles to compile DisService under a 32/64 bit Linux OS.
  • aci/cpp/DisService/win32 - Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Solution and Project files
  • aci/conf - Folder containing all configuration files of DisService


To compile DisService under Windows operating systems it is possible to open the DisService solution file using Microsoft Visual Studio and compile the application from there.

To compile DisService under Linux operating systems, the gcc compiler and the make and configure commands need to be installed on your system. The folder aci/cpp/DisService/linux contains the necessary Makefile. The Makefile detects the local computer architecture and compiles the code accordingly.

In order to launch compilation, open a terminal and change your current directory to your/path/to/aci/cpp/DisService/linux. From there, simply type and execute make.

Running DisService


The aci/conf directory contains the configuration file for DisService, in addition to those of other components of the Agile Computing Middleware. At startup, DisService will read the configuration file given as an argument to the executable. An example of such file can be found in aci/conf/ Further information on DisService configuration parameters can be found at the corresponding entry of this wiki.