Install the app from Google Play Store
- Session Booking: Book a session with the counsellors
- Team: Get details of Sunshine current team
- Chatbot: Interact with our chatbot
- Flutter: The app is built using Flutter.
- Firebase: Used firebase for Auth and Database
- Dialogflow: for Chatbot
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
- Navigate to the Flutter project directory.
cd sunshine-iith
- Run the Flutter app locally on your device.
flutter run
- Open Firebase console, login with [email protected]
- go to Storage and delete the old team member's images and add new ones (try to minimize the size (<40kb))
- then open Firestore, there you change the data, you can add/remove member/branch also, DO NOT CHANGE FILEDS (i.e.- name, email ,image, phone, position)
- No change required in RTDB
- Place the