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Code for paper "FuSeConv Fully Separable Convolutions for Fast Inference on Systolic Arrays" published at DATE 2021


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FuSeConv: Fully Separable Convolutions for Fast Inference on Systolic Arrays [Paper][Short Slides][Full Slides][Video]

author={Selvam, Surya and Ganesan, Vinod and Kumar, Pratyush},  
booktitle={2021 Design, Automation   Test in Europe Conference   Exhibition (DATE)},   
title={FuSeConv: Fully Separable Convolutions for Fast Inference on Systolic Arrays},   
year={2021},  volume={},  number={},  pages={651-656},  

Problem: Inefficient Mapping of Depthwise Convolutions onto Systolic Arrays


Our Proposed Hardware/Software Co-Design Solution: FuSeConv

Network Modification


Hardware Modification




Network ImageNet Accuracy FLOPS (M) Params (M) Speedup
MobileNet V1 Baseline 70.60 589 4.23 1x
MobileNet V1 Full FuSe 72.86 1122 7.36 4.1x
MobileNet V1 Half FuSe 72.00 573 4.20 6.76x
MobileNet V1 50% Full FuSe 72.42 764 4.35 2.3x
MobileNet V1 50% Half FuSe 71.77 578 4.22 2.36x


Network ImageNet Accuracy FLOPS (M) Params (M) Speedup
MobileNet V2 Baseline 72.00 315 3.50 1x
MobileNet V2 Full FuSe 72.49 430 4.46 5.1x
MobileNet V2 Half FuSe 70.80 300 3.46 7.23x
MobileNet V2 50% Full FuSe 72.11 361 3.61 2.0x
MobileNet V2 50% Half FuSe 71.98 305 3.49 2.1x


Network ImageNet Accuracy FLOPS (M) Params (M) Speedup
MnasNet B1 Baseline 73.50 325 4.38 1x
MnasNet B1 Full FuSe 73.16 440 5.66 5.06x
MnasNet B1 Half FuSe 71.48 305 4.25 7.15x
MnasNet B1 50% Full FuSe 73.52 361 4.47 1.88x
MnasNet B1 50% Half FuSe 72.61 312 4.35 1.97x

MobileNet-V3 Small

Network ImageNet Accuracy FLOPS (M) Params (M) Speedup
MobileNet V3 Small Baseline 67.40 66 2.93 1x
MobileNet V3 Small Full FuSe 67.17 84 4.44 3.02x
MobileNet V3 Small Half FuSe 64.55 61 2.89 4.16x
MobileNet V3 Small 50% Full FuSe 67.91 73 3.18 1.6x
MobileNet V3 Small 50% Half FuSe 66.90 63 2.92 1.68x

MobileNet-V3 Large

Network ImageNet Accuracy FLOPS (M) Params (M) Speedup
MobileNet V3 Large Baseline 75.20 238 5.47 1x
MobileNet V3 Large Full FuSe 74.40 322 10.57 3.61x
MobileNet V3 Large Half FuSe 73.02 225 5.40 5.45x
MobileNet V3 Large 50% Full FuSe 74.50 264 5.57 1.76x
MobileNet V3 Large 50% Half FuSe 73.80 230 5.46 1.83x

PyTorch Model Codes

The code for the following DNNs along with their varaints can be found in models directory.

  • MobileNet V1
  • MobileNet V2
  • MobileNet V3
  • MnasNet-B1
  • ResNet

How to use these model codes to import?

from models import *
num_classes = 1000

baseline = [MnasNet(num_classes), MobileNetV1(num_classes), MobileNetV2(num_classes), MobileNetV3('small', num_classes), MobileNetV3('large', num_classes)]

fuSeHalf = [MnasNetFuSeHalf(num_classes), MobileNetV1FuSeHalf(num_classes), MobileNetV2FuSeHalf(num_classes), MobileNetV3FuSeHalf('small', num_classes), MobileNetV3FuSeHalf('large', num_classes)]

fuSeFull = [MnasNetFuSeFull(num_classes), MobileNetV1FuSeFull(num_classes), MobileNetV2FuSeFull(num_classes), MobileNetV3FuSeFull('small', num_classes), MobileNetV3FuSeFull('large', num_classes)]

fuSeHalfHybrid = [MnasNetFuSeHalfHybrid(num_classes), MobileNetV1FuSeHalfHybrid(num_classes), MobileNetV2FuSeHalfHybrid(num_classes), MobileNetV3FuSeHalfHybrid('small', num_classes), MobileNetV3FuSeHalfHybrid('large', num_classes)]

fuSeFullHybrid = [MnasNetFuSeFullHybrid(num_classes), MobileNetV1FuSeFullHybrid(num_classes), MobileNetV2FuSeFullHybrid(num_classes), MobileNetV3FuSeFullHybrid('small', num_classes), MobileNetV3FuSeFullHybrid('large', num_classes)]

Train on ImageNet

MobileNets and MnasNet

To train the MobileNets(V2, V3-Small and V3-Large) and MnasNet on ImageNet dataset, we reused the code from following repository. Thanks to those authors for setting up a perfect environment to train ImageNet models. Please refer the above repo for more details. Modified Code to train FuSeNetworks can be found in yet_another_mobilenet_series/.

The training hyperparameters used are listed below.

Hyperparameter Value Hyperparameter Value
Image Resolution 224 x 224 lr scheduler rmsprop
epochs 350 lr decay gamma 0.97
optimizer rmsprop lr decay epoch 2.4
momentum 0.9 label smoothing 0.1
alpha 0.9 moving avearge decay 0.9999
epsilon 0.001 random seed 1995
weight decay 1e-5 batch_norm momentum 0.01
base lr 0.016 batch_norm epsilon 1e-03
batch size per GPU 128

MobileNet-V1 and ResNet

To train ResNet and MobileNet-V1 on ImageNet dataset, we reused the code from following repository. This repo enabled us to train ResNet-50 and MobileNet-V1 in 30-40 epochs compared 350 epochs of MobileNets. A blog post by the authors on various techniques used to train ImageNet in 18 minutes can be found here. Modified Code to train FuSeNetworks can be found in localTrain/.

Train on CIFAR

CIFAR images 32x32 are resized or upscaled to 224x224 and used to train the models.

python -D Dataset -N Network -n NameoftheRun -v Variant

--resume : For Resuming the Run

Dataset = CIFAR10, CIFAR100  
Network = ResNet, MobileNetV1, MobileNetV2, MobileNetV3S, MobileNetV3L, MnasNet 
Variant = baseline, half, full

Analytical model to compute inference latency on systolic arrays and modified hardware

from models import *
from analyticalLatencyModel import getModelLatency

# Set Input tensor Dimension and Systolic Array Dimension 
x = torch.rand([1,3,224,224])
arrX = 64
arrY = 64

# Some Baseline non FuSeNetwork
net = X() 
hardware = 'Systolic'
latency = getModelLatency(net, x, arrX, arrY, hardware)

# FuSeVariants
net = XFuSeY() 
hardware = 'FuSe'
latency = getModelLatency(net, x, arrX, arrY, hardware)

## Hardware = FuSe performs optimal mapping for FuSe layers.  

There's also a sample code in


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Code for paper "FuSeConv Fully Separable Convolutions for Fast Inference on Systolic Arrays" published at DATE 2021







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