title={A Case for Generalizable DNN Cost Models for Mobile Devices},
author={Ganesan, Vinod and Selvam, Surya and Sen, Sanchari and Kumar, Pratyush and Raghunathan, Anand},
booktitle={2020 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC)},
The android app is derived from the basic pytorch-demo-app, with custom enhancements and the integration of tflite-runtime. You can follow the steps provided by PyTorch to build the app. Stay tuned for more details on tweaking the app to generate inference time.
cd char_framework/net_generator/mobileOptGen
python MobileGen.py
cd cost_model
python gen_cost_models.py --sampling_type SAMPLE --learning_type LEARN --name NAME --numSamples SAMPLE --model MODEL
- Command line options
--sampling_type (required): The sampling type required for choosing the Signature Set. "random", "mutual_info", "spearmanCorr", and "statistical" are valid choices.
--learning_type (required): The way in which the cost model is trained. "individual", "combined", and "collaborative" are valid choices.
--name (required): Name of the run.
--numSamples (required): Number of samples used to form the Signature Set.
--model (required): The cost model used. "xgb" and "lstm" are valid choices.
- Python 3+
- XGBoost
- Tensorflow 2+
- PyTorch
- torchprofile
- Android Studio (For measuring inference latency)