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3D Printing

ilikecake edited this page Mar 19, 2023 · 6 revisions

The case is designed to be 3D printed. It consists of six parts.

Part Quantity Picture
Case Front 1
Case Back 1
Button 1 1
Button 2 1
Display Holder 1 1
Display Holder 2 2

Files to print are located here, or uploaded to Thingiverse <-- not yet...

Print settings largely don't matter. I printed these parts in PLA at .2mm layer height. The parts should be oriented properly in the .STL files. I suggest printing the small buttons individually from the rest of the parts to minimize distortion. Also, use different color plastic for these if you can, it will make the buttons easier to see in the final part.

It is important to note that the front case has embedded nuts. The print should not use support, and the print will need to be paused to install the nuts.

Pause the print at 3.84mm off the build plate to install four of the #2 hex nuts (red boxes).

The method of implementing this pause will vary based on your slicing software. I use simplify 3D. To implement a pause in Simplify 3D:

First, use the preview feature to determine the layer at which we need to pause. Note that you want to pause before the top layer is placed on the hex cavities. Find the first layer that puts material above the hex cavity, and go one layer before that. Once you have the layer numbers, edit the process settings, go to the 'Scripts' tab, and add the following to the 'Post Processing' section.

{REPLACE "\n; layer <REPLACE WITH YOUR LAYER NUMBER>," "\n;***PAUSE***\nM83\nG1 E-1.0 F6000\nG91\nG1 Z5.0\nG90\nG1 X10 Y280 F6000\nM84 E0\nM0\nM82\nG92 E0\n;layer <REPLACE WITH YOUR LAYER NUMBER>,"}

in the image below, I am pausing at layer 87 and 319.

That command will pause the print, move the print head up a bit, and to the back-left of the print bed out of the way. Note that it also retracts a few mm of filament. You will want to manually push the filament back to the nozzle before resuming the print.

If you want the details of what that command does you can look up what the G-codes do here.

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