e2e setupBug: new joiners don't get initial startup state (but do get next state)- missing: shouldn't new joiners request current subscription list?
- shared websocket
- expose leader$
- Add linting
- why the reset on looking away from machine for X hours.
- Types of sharing, plus some really good names.
- Confirm the unsubscribe works correctly.
- leader per stream... for multiple ws. ?.
- performance metric. 10s of ops and whats the count. post results to a google sheets. No rx-tab, 1 tab, 2nd tab.
If anything can set, then this will require a rethinking of the leadership...
actually, looks to be more in the onSubscriptionRequest
a) be able to read and set
const subject = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);
const [useNumber] = bind(() => {
const [stream$, setter] = duplex('SharedNumber', subject.pipe(shareLatest()));
setter(v =>
return stream$
}, 0);
b) parameters
const [useItem] = bind((id: number) => {
const [stream$] = duplex(`GetItem:${id}`, subject.pipe(shareLatest()));
return stream$
}, 0);
c) websocket reading
const [useStockQuotes] = bind((ticker: string) => {
const [stream$] = duplex(`StockQuotes:${ticker}`, subject.pipe(shareLatest()));
return stream$
}, 0);
d) websocket posting
const saveItem = async (item: Item) => {
const [stream$] = duplex(`SaveItem`, service.saveItem(item))
return stream$.pipe(first()).toPromise()
e.g. Don't when need individual streams that need to be unique