Projectseminar von Prof. Adamy
Structure of this repository:
/AscTec_SDK_v3.0 -- Eclipse-Project including the protocol on the HLP (Firefly)
[Read README.txt for additional information]
/I2C -- Example of using I2C to get sensor data of PX4FLOW
/Nucleo_Protocol -- Atollic-Project including the protocol on the Nucleo
/archive -- Archived Projects for 'Protocol benchmarking'/
'Alternative driver implementations'
/protocol -- Information about the Protocol PDU (message structure)
(Also examples for alternative messages)
/Sensor -- Information about additional Sensory like PX4FLOW / LIDAR / etc...
/UAV materials -- Manual about the Firefly (UAV)
/literature -- literatur (mainly about protocols)
/manuals -- Manuals (User References) about the HLP and the Nucleo
/mount -- Mount Designs (CAD File is also available)
/paper -- Paper (tex-files, graphics)
/presentation -- Presentation (pptx-file)
/tutorias -- Tutorials concerning Firefly, HLP, Nucleo, IDEs