The Unique name of the project is ख़रीDARI.
Shop ख़रीDARI for electronics, computers, appliances, cell phones, video games & more new tech. In-store pickup & free 2-day shipping on thousands of items.
First Page or the Landing Page.
Main Page or the Dashboard Page.
Main page consists of all the details realated to the website along with all the links which will redirect to another page of the website.
Sign Up Page/Sign In Page.
User can fill up the details for Sign Up and the page will be redirected to the Sign In page.
Product Page.
All the products related to the particular category is shown here with the help of api call.
Sort functionality is also added to it so that users can sort in terms of price low to high and high to low.
All the extra details are shown here. All the social media handles is shown here only. Also another Sign Up button is given. Clicking on it will redirect it to the Sign Up page.
Cart Page.
All the added Product added from the product page will be displayed here. User can also increase or decrease or delete the qualtity as desired.
Payment Page.
User will get all the product along with the price information. Adding or deleting the product will also increment or decrement the price respectively.
Otp Page.
When entering all the details user will get otp on the submitted Mobile Number. Entering only the correct otp will give you alert of Payment Successfull or if the otp emtered is wrong then Wrong otp alert will be shown.