CafeQuest is a web application designed to help users discover, review, and rate local cafes. With an emphasis on providing a seamless user experience, the app allows users to find their favorite spots, leave reviews, and explore cafes through an interactive map. Whether you're a coffee aficionado or just looking for a cozy spot to work, CafeQuest connects you with hidden gems and the best places to enjoy coffee.
This project is a showcase of full-stack development, utilizing modern web technologies to create a responsive and user-friendly interface along with a scalable backend to store cafe data and user reviews.
- Cafe Discovery: Search for cafes by location, rating, and features (e.g., Wi-Fi, pet-friendly). (BASICS DONE)
- User Reviews & Ratings: Users can leave reviews, give star ratings, and upload photos. (IN PROGRESS)
- User Authentication: Register, log in, and manage user profiles. (IN PROGRESS)
- Interactive Map: View cafes on an interactive map using geolocation. (DONE)
- Favorites: Users can save cafes to their favorites for easy access. (IN PROGRESS)
- Frontend: React.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Token)
- Mapping & Geolocation: OpenStreetMap, Leaflet.js
- API Integration: Nominatim API (for geolocation search), Overpass API (for querying OpenStreetMap data)
- Database: MongoDB with Mongoose for data modeling
- Deployment: Hosted on Heroku/Netlify (or another hosting platform)
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
Ensure the following are installed:
- Node.js (v16 or above)
- MongoDB (local or cloud instance)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project folder:
cd CafeQuest
Install dependencies for both the frontend and backend:
For the frontend:
cd client
npm install
For the backend:
cd ../server
npm install
Set up environment variables:
Create a .env file in the /server directory with the following variables:
- Start the application in development mode:
npm run dev
Open your browser and start searching for cafes!
- Allow location access to find cafes near you.
- Use the search bar to search for cafes within a 5km radius.
Development Notes
For a smooth development experience, make sure you’ve properly configured Leaflet for the client-side only (e.g., inside useEffect) to prevent errors related to SSR (Server-Side Rendering).
If you encounter any issues in the development environment (e.g., window is not defined), ensure all client-side code (like map initialization) is wrapped in conditionals that check for the browser environment.