This repo demonstrate how you can build Parking Spot booking api using Clean Architecture with Node.js, Express and Postgresql.
To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple example steps.
- Nod.js
- docker-compose or postgresql
If you have already installed Postgresql on your machine. you can create database
and skip this step.
use docker-compose to run database. Open root of the project in terminal and run this command
docker-compose up
and update theDATABASE_URL
DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:5432/spot_booking?schema=public"
Install Dependencies
npm install
Setup .env as previously mentioned
Run database migration
npm run migrate
Seed dummy data into database
npm run seed
Start server
npm run dev
visit http://localhost:8000
npm run build
npm start
To run test cases npm run test
npm run seed
to seed dummy data into database and You will have following data in your database
userId | name | role | token |
user-1 | vinay | admin | token-1 |
user-2 | shivam | standard | token-2 |
Parking Spot
spotId | name |
abc-1 | spot_one |
abc-2 | spot_two |
- should return 400 if request body is invalid
- should return 400 if endDateTime should be greater than startDateTime
- should return 403 if standard user tries to create booking for other users
- should return 409 if booking already exists for the given parking spot and time
- should return PrismaClientKnownRequestError if parkingSpot or forUserId is does not exist in DB (52 ms)
- should return 201 if booking is created successfully
- should return 200 and should do DB query with Offset=0, limit=2
- Should return 200 and return all bookings for Admin user
- Should return 200 and return bookings of standard user
- should return 409 if booking already exists for the given parking spot and time
- should return 404 if booking does not exist in DB (3 ms)
- should return 400 if request body is invalid
- should return 403 if standard user tries to update other user's booking
- should return 200 if booking is updated successfully
- should return 400 if bookingId not found in request params
- should return 404 if booking not found in database
- should return 403 if standard user tries to delete other user's booking
- should return 200 if booking is deleted successfully
My initial goal is to keep my focus on creating api with business requirement. I have listed few Todo or things can be done differently
- Docker for Node.js app
- Different error handler for httpError, Database error, validation error
- Unified response object (for error & success)
- implement intigretion test
- Improve folder structure
- Api versioning