Hi there 👋, I am Manish Bainsla! I am a developer who is passionate about stuffs related to Web and Science. Few tech that I enjoy working in are Python, C++, Django and React, but also am always learning so this tends to change. Also, I have just started blogging!
- 👨🏽💻 I’m currently working on Typescript, Javascript, GitHub CI/CD Workflows, UI test Automation and Data Structures.
- 👨🏽💻 I’m currently Software Engineering Intern at Red Hat.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ReactJS.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Django and React based projects.
- 🤝 Open for collaborations in Web Development.
- 💬 Talk me about Web, meme and other science stuff.
- 🌐 Visit my porfolio website for complete background and contact.
- 🌐 Visit my blog.
To connect with me,
My personal email : [email protected]
My projects,
- E-Commerce (Freelance)
- Food4Needy (Hackathon - HackNCody)
- Neighbourhood (Social Networking Site for Neighbours)
- Competitive Programming Blog
- Covid-19 Statistics India
- Portfolio
- Other Projects
⚡ My Github Stats: