Wrapper for sms sending (http://pbsol.ru/)
Make sure that
present inprotected/extensions/PbsolSmsSender
dir. -
You must create
:cat cert.crt cert.key > solid-cert.crt
- generated when submitting the certificate request ,cert.crt
- client key (from pbsol.ru) -
Edit your components config
Add new component:
'components' => array(
//any components
'smsSender' => array(
'class' => 'ext.PbsolSmsSender.PbsolSmsSender', // path for extension class
'alphaNumber' => 'MyName', // Sender Name
'apiUrl' => 'https://sms.pbsol.ru:1543/api/', // pbsol.ru API-url for requests. Default "https://sms.pbsol.ru:1543/api/"
'certPath' => 'config/keys/solid-cert.crt', // Certificate file. From root-dir, or from "protected" dir
'delayMethod' => 'cron', // Method of the queue (cron, callback). Default "cron"
'delayCallback' => array('Class', 'Method'), // If 'delayMethod' is 'callback'. Default "null"
'normalNumberCallback' => array('Class', 'Method'), // Callback for normalize phone number. Default "null"
- Edit your import config
Add lines:
'import' => array(
//any import
- Edit your commandMap config
Add new command:
'commandMap' => array(
//any commands
'pbsolsms' => array(
'class' => 'application.extensions.PbsolSmsSender.commands.PbsolSmsCommand',
- Create new migration
yiic migrate create
and put into created migration-class methods fromdata/migration.txt
. Then apply new migrationyiic migrate
- global object of PbsolSmsSender extension
* Send sms message with pbsol.ru API
* @param string $phone Phone number
* @param string $message Text of message
* @param bool $now Send now (without Cron or Callback). Default - false
* @param bool $tryNormalNumber Try normalize phone number. Default - true
* @param string $alphaNumber Alpha number. If null - uses alphaNumber from config
* @return bool
* @throws PbsolSmsSenderException
public function send($phone, $message, $now = false, $tryNormalNumber = true, $alphaNumber = null)
Yii::app()->smsSender->send('79012345678', 'Test message', true, true, 'MyName');
* Normalizing phone number
* @param $number
* @return string|null
* @throws PbsolSmsSenderException
public function numberNormal($number)
$number = Yii::app()->smsSender->numberNormal('+7 (901) 234-56-78'); // 79012345678
* Send sms by ID of PbsolSmsLog-record
* @param $id integer ID of PbsolSmsLog-record
* @return bool
* @throws PbsolSmsSenderException
public function pushById($id)
It is used for delayed sending or resending
* Send sms by PbsolSmsLog-record
* @param PbsolSmsLog $smsGwLog
* @return bool
public function pushByModel(PbsolSmsLog $smsGwLog)
It is used for delayed sending or resending
$model = PbsolSmsLog::model->findByPk(57);
* Return text description of sms state
* @param $guid string Message ID on Pbsol server
* @return null|string
public function getState($guid)
You can define the method (callback) that will normalize the number.
The method must return normal phone number OR null (in case of error).
Define the method in component settings:
a) as array('Class', 'method')
'normalNumberCallback' => array('MyClass', 'myMethod')
b) as closure
'normalNumberCallback' => function($number) {
// some code
return $number;
class MyClass
* Normalizing phone number for RU-numbers
* @param string $number
* @return string|null
public static function myMethod($number)
$number = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/x', '', trim($number));
if (strlen($number) == 10) {
$number = '7' . $number;
if (strpos($number, '7') !== 0) {
$number = '7' . substr($number, 1);
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{11}$/', $number)) {
return $number;
return null;
* Send sms message with pbsol.ru API
* @param string $number Phone number
* @param string $message Text of message
* @param bool $now Send now (without Cron or Callback). Default - false
* @param bool $tryNormalNumber Try normalize phone number. Default - true
* @param string $alphaNumber Alpha number. If null - uses alphaNumber from config
public function actionSend($number, $message, $now = false, $tryNormalNumber = true, $alphaNumber = null)
php yiic pbsolsms send --number=79012345678 --message=Test --now=0
* This method can be added to Cron.
* Sends all messages waiting to be send.
public function actionCronJob()
php yiic pbsolsms cronjob
You must setup the Crontab to execute command php yiic pbsolsms cronjob
Define the method in component settings:
a) as array('Class', 'method')
'delayCallback' => array('MyClass', 'myMethod')
b) as closure
'delayCallback' => function($model) {
// some code
return true;
class MyClass
public static function myMethod(PbsolSmsLog $model)
$model->status = Yii::t(
'PbsolSmsSender', '{date} - Waiting Gearman job', array('{date}' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))
$args = json_encode(array('id' => $model->id));
GearmanModel::createClient('PbsolSmsPushById', $args);
return true;
This is ActiveRecord model of table pbsol_sms_log
* Push sms
* @return boolean
public function push()
It is used for delayed sending or resending
$model = PbsolSmsLog::model()->findByPk(57);
this is the same of
$model = PbsolSmsLog::model()->findByPk(57);
* Return text description of sms state
* @return string|null
public function getState()