This repo contains a custom authentication HTTP Module and coresponding HTTP handlers for Kentico CMS in order to integrate with an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 server, such as IdentityServer4.
- First of all you will have to deactivate (remove or comment out) the forms authentication settings in
<!--<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="CMSPages/logon.aspx" defaultUrl="Default.aspx" name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" timeout="4320" slidingExpiration="false" />
- Next, you will have to register the custom authentication module and the handlers for sign in, sign out and refresh token.
<!-- Other settings -->
<remove name="FormsAuthenticationModule" />
<add name="OidcAuthenticationModule" type="Indice.Kentico.Oidc.OidcAuthenticationModule" />
<add name="SignInHandler" verb="GET" path="SignIn.ashx" type="Indice.Kentico.Oidc.SignInHandler, Indice.Kentico.Oidc" />
<add name="SignInOidcHandler" verb="GET,POST" path="SignInOidc.ashx" type="Indice.Kentico.Oidc.SignInOidcHandler, Indice.Kentico.Oidc" />
<add name="RefreshTokenOidcHandler" verb="POST" path="RefreshTokenOidc.ashx" type="Indice.Kentico.Oidc.RefreshTokenOidcHandler, Indice.Kentico.Oidc" />
<add name="EndSessionOidcHandler" verb="GET" path="SignOut.ashx" type="Indice.Kentico.Oidc.EndSessionOidcHandler, Indice.Kentico.Oidc" />
<!-- Probably Other settings -->
- In addition you will have to apply some important settings (all are required) in order to communicate with the authority server.
<!-- Other keys -->
<add key="Oidc:AutoRedirect" value="false" />
<add key="Oidc:Authority" value="" />
<add key="Oidc:Host" value="" />
<add key="Oidc:ClientId" value="my_portal" />
<add key="Oidc:ClientSecret" value="my_strong_secret" />
<add key="Oidc:Scopes" value="openid offline_access profile api1 api2" />
<add key="Oidc:AuthorizeEndpointPath" value="connect/authorize" />
- Finally you will have to set the logon URL to the value of the handler that exists inside our package.
Open Configuration -> Settings -> Security & Membership and set the
Website logon page URL
field (under Content section) and enter the value/SignIn.ashx
as shown below. If this setting is set, it overrides theOidc:AutoRedirect
app setting.hint: The response type that is currently used against the authorization endpoint is
code id_token
(so theHybrid flow
is used). Thecode id_token
flow would get acode
in the Authentication Response directly but you'd use thecode
to get anaccess_token
from the Token endpoint.