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Most of the content details and instructions about development and deployment can be found into the main template project. Additional or different topics specified below.

Overwrite application properties

To run application and specify the proper credentials for DFSP API connection (it is not required specify all the fields if it isn't used):

java \"http://localhost:4001" \"https://dfsp/api" \
-Ddfsp.username="user" \
-Ddfsp.password="pass" \
-Ddfsp.tenant-id="id" \"channelId" \
-Ddfsp.api-key="apiKey" \"mfiName" \
-jar ./core-connector/target/core-connector.jar
docker run --rm \
-e MLCONN_OUTBOUND_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:4001" \
-e DFSP_HOST="https://dfsp/api" \
-e DFSP_USERNAME="user" \
-e DFSP_PASSWORD="P\@ss0rd" \
-e DFSP_AUTH_CHANNEL_ID="channelId" \
-e DFSP_AUTH_API_KEY="apiKey" \
-p 3003:3003 core-connector:latest

NOTE: keep the values in double quotes (") and scape any special character (\@).