This repository holds the guidelines we follow to write the front-end code of the Blog Inglês na Rede. The documents present a set of rules to follow in order to make sure we write consistent code.
All code in any code-base should look like a single person typed it, no matter how many people contributed.
– Rick Waldon
Arguments over style are pointless. There should be a style guide, and you should follow it.
– Rebecca Murphey
It’s harder to read code than to write it.
– Joel Spolsky
Part of being a good steward to a successful project is realizing that writing code for yourself is a Bad Idea™. If thousands of people are using your code, then write your code for maximum clarity, not your personal preference of how to get clever within the spec.
– Idan Gazit
Under /linters
you will see configuration files we use to enforce the rules described on the styleguide via code linters.
ATM we use JSHint for Javascript and SCSS lint for Sass with SCSS syntax.
At Blog Inglês na Rede, we try to think about the different developers that use or are going to use our code, people could be using Vim, Sublime Text, TextMate or any other code editor. To make sure we get it right, we make use of the awesome project EditorConfig to help us maintain consistent coding styles between these different editors. The rules are specified on .editorconfig
🌳 This is a living project ☀️ so you don't need to agree with everything presented by the documents. Feel free to open an issue to discuss changes and whatnot.
MIT License. Copyright 2014 Blog Inglês na Rede.
You are not granted rights or licenses to the trademarks of the Blog Inglês na Rede, including without limitation the Blog Inglês na Rede logo.
Made with love for Blog Inglês na Rede at Fortaleza, CE - Brazil. ☀️