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Tutorial for Graph Databases Test Suite

Muhammad Yasir edited this page Oct 18, 2022 · 7 revisions

To run the Test Suite which is available in the enapso-graphdb-client for different triplestores. Follow the instruction available for each triplestore in a separate wiki page which is mentioned below.

Tutorial for Ontotext GraphDB

Ontotext GraphDB is a graph database and knowledge discovery tool compliant with RDF and SPARQL and available as a high-availability cluster. Ontotext GraphDB is used in various European research projects. The following steps are required to run the Test suite against the Ontotext GraphDB successfully.

  • GraphDB instance running on localhost at port 7200.
  • A repository named Test is available in the Ontotext GraphDB.
  • Clone the enapso-graphdb-client repository and open it in VS editor.
  • Open the terminal and run the npm i command (To install dependent packages successfully) on the terminal.
  • Run the following command on the terminal to run the test suite against Ontotext GraphDB
    • npm test or npm run test:graphdb

Get the latest version of GraphDB for free at

Tutorial For Apache Jena Fuseki

Apache Jena Fuseki is a SPARQL server. It can run as an operating system service, as a Java web application (WAR file), and as a standalone server. The following steps are required to run the Test suite against the Apache Jena Fuseki successfully.

  • Fuseki instance running on localhost at port 3030.
  • A Dataset named Test is available in the Apache Jena Fuseki.
  • Clone the enapso-graphdb-client repository and open it in VS editor.
  • Open the terminal and run the npm i command (To install dependent packages successfully) on the terminal.
  • Run the following command on the terminal to run the test suite against Apache Jena Fuseki.
    • npm run test:fuseki

Get the latest version of Apache jena Fuseki for free at

Tutorial for Stardog

Stardog is a data management platform built for connecting data across your enterprise. The following steps are required to run the Test suite against the Stardog successfully.

  • Stardog instance running on localhost at port 5820.
  • A database named Test is available in the Stardog.
  • Clone the enapso-graphdb-client repository and open it in VS editor.
  • Open the terminal and run the npm i command (To install dependent packages successfully) on the terminal.
  • Run the following command on the terminal to run the test suite against Stardog.
    • npm run test:stardog

Get the latest version of stardog free at