- If you cloned the sources using IntelliJ Idea internal tools, it should detect the project file
- If you used some other tool to clone the sources, locate the
file and open it in IntelliJ Idea.
Now you should be able to build the project using Main menu > Build > Make project, or Make Module tm2i.
The compiled package should be in PROJECT_DIR\out\artifacts\tm2i_jar\
Using the package is pretty simple (The trailing slashes are important):
java -jar tm2i.jar PathToInput\ PathToOutput\
- PathToInput - path to the directory, which contains your
directories. - PathToOutput - path to any directory, where the converted bundles will be copied to
java -jar tm2i.jar c:/work/myTextMateBundles c:/work/convertedBundles
Clone the sources and setup the project as described in previous section.
To run the convertor from sources, you need to setup a Run configuration first:
- Go to Main menu > Run and choose Edit configurations
- Add a new configuration based on the Application default type
- Name the configuration, or leave the name blank (it will be generated from the Main class name)
- Select the Main class, which should be:
- Fill in the program arguments (they are space separated) with the
as described in the How to use the package section above. - Save
Now you can run the application and it will convert any bundle in the input directory and copy it in the output directory.