This config is made for multiple computers and so it is organized by "hardware" and "configurations"
configurations represents everything related to user space customization (like window managers, programs, etc...)
while hardware represents every machine specific setting that must remain constant in a system like (boot options, specific device drivers, screen resolution, etc...)
If you want to run this for some reason its pretty easy, the only thing you have to do is copy over your hardware specific settings into the harware folder (there are only a few of those thankfully) and select your user space config
- obviously NixOs
Clone the repo with:
git clone
cd nixos_config
Quick rundown: Now we need to make a "hardware profile" for you pc. We need to specify some stuff so that your pc can boot and so that you will have functional users. This is all defined in the "hardware" folder and we will be defining your hardware config under "example". Now you have to copy over your harware settings
sudo cp /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ./hardware/example
Copy all lines from /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
that start with boot into hardware/example/boot.nix
. It should look something like this:
boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
boot.loader.grub.useOSProber = true;
obviously your boot settings will most likely be different
And we're almost done, we just have to select our new hardware config:
echo "example" > cur_hardware
The "cur_hardware" file is gitignored and represents what hardaware you are currently on. If you ever decide to move your hardware profile out of ./hardware/example you will have to change the contents of ./cur_hardware to match its name
That's all! We are going to rebuild our system using:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake path:.#{SELECTED CONFIGURATION} --impure
please don't forget to read last two "IMPORTANT" paragraphs!
On subsequent rebuilds the same command is required. If you want to switch configurations just change the {SELECTED CONFIGURATION} to whatever you want.
for faster builds comment out ./configurations/fekete/custom_pkgs.nix
from flake.nix
this disables some custom packages i built for myself
IMPORTANT: when first booting up a custom config a user named "test" will be provided, this users password is also "test" and it is defined in plain text under hardware/example/users.nix
, this i very unsafe for obvious reasons! If you are planning on actually using this config please make sure to delete this user and define your own WITHOUT specifing the password in plain text. Read about it here.
VERY IMPORTANT: the "test" user overwrites any users in your current nixos instalation so you should copy over your previous user from /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
to hardware/example/users.nix
Errors may occur when rclone is not configurated on the user but the rclone service is included in the hardware profile, in this case disable the rclone service, install rclone, configure it according to what the service requires, and then re enable the service and rebuild nixos