This is a free client-side spell checking library written in JavaScript.
It is... Simple, Lightweight, Customizable, Fast, Client-side, Free
It is not... Fully Supported, Perfect, Extremely Accurate, Neural Network-based
You may use this library freely, but it is not adequate for commercial use cases.
Anyone is welcome to contribute code and make improvements. Just submit a pull request.
I started contributing to a commercial spell checker. As a result, I will no longer be able to contribute code to this repository. Please still feel welcome to make pull requests and post issues.
The commercial spell checker is currently in beta. If you would like to give it a try, please contact: [email protected]
A spell checker must be configured with a valid word list. Given an input string, the spell checker recommends words from the valid word list.
Our spell checker also returns a score between zero and one with each recommended word. This score is intended to measure the similarity in spelling between the input string and the recommended word. A higher score means that the input string and the recommended word have a similar spelling while a lower score means that they do not have a similar spelling.
Step 1: Define your valid word list. This list should contain all (if possible) of the valid words or strings for your application.
In our example, we define a valid word list with 30,000 English language words. We define our list in a separate file because it is large. We define our list in a somewhat strange looking way to obtain a performance benefit.
Step 2: Include the spellchecker.js file in the body of your html document. To do this, you can add the following line of code: <script src="spellchecker.js"></script>
Step 3: Set the valid word list using the set_valid_word_list method. To do this, you can use the following line of JavaScript code: set_valid_word_list(word_list);
Step 4: Call the find_similar method on your input string. To do this, you can add the following line of JavaScript code: find_similar(input_string, threshold);
The threshold is a minimum score requirement. You can set this to any value between 0 and 1. I would recommend setting it to 0.7 for English language words.
The find_similar method returns a pair consisting of a list of words and a list of associated scores between 0 and 1.