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Configuration parameters

Olle Solens edited this page Jul 15, 2020 · 31 revisions

At the step of building/generating configs, you've created three configuration files at ./.artifacts/ for your Insolar Observer node instance:

  • migrate.yaml with database parameters for a PostgreSQL instance you're using to store data obtained from Insolar MainNet.
  • observer.yaml with parameters for your Observer node that collects data from Insolar MainNet.
  • observerapi.yaml with parameters for your Observer node API that gives you access to the stored data.

Below you can find detailed description of parameters in these configuration files.


Database parameters for table initiation in PostgreSQL.

db section

Database parameters.

Parameter Data type Default value Recommended value Description
url string postgres://postgres@localhost/postgres?sslmode=disable Your actual connection Connection to your chosen PostgreSQL instance. Format: db_type://user@host/db?sslmode=mode
poolsize int 100 100 Maximum number of connections to the database.
attempts int 5 5 Maximum number of attempts to connect to the database.
attemptinterval string 3s 3s Interval between connection attempts. Go syntax requires explicit declaration of time units, otherwise any int value is recognized as nanosecond.


Insolar Observer node parameters.

log section

Logging parameters.

Parameter Data type Default value Recommended Description
level enum debug debug Logging level. Available values: debug, info, error, warning, fatal, panic.
format enum text text Log output format. Available values: json, text.
outputtype enum stderr stderr Log output type. Available values: stderr, syslog.
outputparams string "" "" Arbitrary output parameters that depend on outputtype. Available values: n/a.
buffer int 0 0 Number of regular log events to be buffered. Used only in debugging during the development process. 0—disable.

db section

Database parameters.

Parameter Data type Default value Recommended value Description
url string postgres://postgres@localhost/postgres?sslmode=disable Your actual connection Connection to your chosen PostgreSQL instance. Format: db_type://user@host/db?sslmode=mode
poolsize int 100 100 Maximum number of connections to the database.
attempts int 5 5 Maximum number of attempts to connect to the database.
attemptinterval string 3s 3s Interval between connection attempts. Go syntax requires explicit declaration of time units, otherwise any int value is recognized as nanosecond.

replicator section

Replication service parameters.

Parameter Data type Default value Recommended Description
addr string Use the default address Address of the Heavy Material Node on Insolar MainNet. For the actual address, contact Insolar Team as described in the repo readme.
maxtransportmsg int 1073741824 1073741824 Maximum message size for Insolar Observer node to send to and receive from the Heavy Material Node run on Insolar MainNet.
attempts int 2147483647 2147483647 Maximum number of request attempts from Insolar Observer node to the Heavy Material Node.
attemptinterval string 10s 5s Interval between requests in the regular mode—after a full sync with the Heavy Material Node. Usually equal to one pulse, which is currently 10s.
fastforwardinterval string 250ms 20ms Interval between requests in the fast forward mode—while catching up with the latest state of the Heavy Material Node.
batchsize uint32 2000 20000 Maximum size of a record batch for the Heavy Material Node to stream to Insolar Observer node. Used to balance the RAM load on Insolar Observer node instance.
cachesize int 10000 10000 Hot cache for the latest records received from the Heavy Material Node. Used for faster data operation.
listen string :8888 Port of your choosing. Local address to obtain metrics data from Insolar Observer node. Data is obtained in the Prometheus format.

auth subsection

Authentication parameters.

Parameter Data type Default value Recommended Description
required boolean true true Binding of Insolar Observer node to an external Insolar authentication service. Such type of service is mandatory for in current Observer implementation. The parameter requires true for correct Observer behavior.
url string Use the default address Insolar authentication service address to auto-obtain an authentication token from. For the actual address, contact Insolar Team as described in the repo readme.
login string "" Your actual login Login for your Insolar Observer node instance. For the registration process, contact Insolar Team as described in the repo readme.
password string "" Your actual password Password for your Insolar Observer node instance. For the registration process, contact Insolar Team as described in the repo readme.
refreshoffset int 60 120 Timespan in seconds till the token expiration moment. A new token is obtained within this timespan. Ensures a new one is obtained before the current one expires.
timeout string 15s 15s Time to wait for an answer from an Insolar authentication service.
insecuretls boolean false false Indicator of a secure connection to an Insolar authentication service and the Heavy Material Node. Available values: true—HTTP connection, false—secure connection.


Insolar Observer API parameters.

db section

Database parameters.

Parameter Data type Default value Recommended value Description
url string postgres://postgres@localhost/postgres?sslmode=disable Your actual connection Connection to your chosen PostgreSQL instance. Format: db_type://user@host/db?sslmode=mode
poolsize int 100 100 Maximum number of connections to the database.
attempts int 5 5 Maximum number of attempts to connect to the database.
attemptinterval string 3s 3s Interval between connection attempts. Go syntax requires explicit declaration of time units, otherwise any int value is recognized as nanosecond.

log section

Logging parameters.

Parameter Data type Default value Recommended Description
level enum debug debug Logging level. Available values: debug, info, error, warning, fatal, panic.
format enum text text Log output format. Available values: json, text.
outputtype enum stderr stderr Log output type. Available values: stderr, syslog.
outputparams string "" "" Arbitrary output parameters that depend on outputtype. Available values: n/a.
buffer int 0 0 Number of regular log events to be buffered. Used only in debugging during the development process. 0—disable.
Parameter Data type Default value Recommended Description
listen string :0 Port of your choosing. Local address of Insolar Observer node API instance.