InterLink aims to provide an abstraction for the execution of a Kubernetes pod on any remote resource capable of managing a Container execution lifecycle. We target to facilitate the development of provider specific plugins, so the resource providers can leverage the power of virtual kubelet without a black belt in kubernetes internals.
The project consists of two main components:
- A Kubernetes Virtual Node: based on the VirtualKubelet technology. Translating request for a kubernetes pod execution into a remote call to the interLink API server.
- The interLink API server: a modular and pluggable REST server where you can create your own Container manager plugin (called sidecars), or use the existing ones: remote docker execution on a remote host, singularity Container on a remote SLURM batch system. This repository aims to maintain the SLURM sidecar as a standalone plugin.
The project got inspired by the KNoC and Liqo projects, enhancing that with the implemention a generic API layer b/w the virtual kubelet component and the provider logic for the container lifecycle management.
The Go programming language (to build binaries)
Docker Engine (optional)
Note: if you want a quick start setup (using a Docker container), Go is not necessary
⚠️ It is very important for you to remember to set CPU and Memory Limits in your Pod/Deployment YAML, otherwise default resources will be applied; specifically, if you don't set a CPU limit, only 1 CPU will be used for each task, while if you don't set any Memory limit, only 1MB will be used for each task. ⚠️
Just run:
cd docker && docker compose up -d
This way, a docker container with a full SLURM environment will be started. You can find the used SLURM configuration in /docker/SlurmConfig.yaml. If you want to update the config after you already started it once, run:
docker compose up -d --build --force-recreate
So, the old container will be deleted, the image rebuilt and a new container with the updated config will be deployed.
It is of course possible to use binaries as a standalone application. Just run
make all
and you will be able to find the built slurm-sd binary inside the bin directory. Before executing it, remember to check if the configuration file is correctly set according to your needs. You can find an example one under examples/config/SlurmConfig.yaml. Do not forget to set the SLURMCONFIGPATH environment variable to point to your config.
SidecarPort: "4000"
SbatchPath: "/usr/bin/sbatch"
ScancelPath: "/usr/bin/scancel"
SqueuePath: "/usr/bin/squeue"
CommandPrefix: ""
SingularityPrefix: ""
ExportPodData: true
DataRootFolder: ".local/interlink/jobs/"
Namespace: "vk"
Tsocks: false
TsocksPath: "$WORK/tsocks-1.8beta5+ds1/"
TsocksLoginNode: "login01"
BashPath: /bin/bash
VerboseLogging: true
ErrorsOnlyLogging: false
It is possible to specify Annotations when submitting Pods to the K8S cluster. A list of all Annotations follows:
Annotation | Description |
---|---| | Used to add specific Commands to be executed before the actual SLURM Job starts. It adds Commands on the Singularity exection line, in the SLURM bastch file | | Used to add commands to be executed before the Job starts. It adds a command in the SLURM batch file after the #SBATCH directives | | Used to add mountpoints to the Singularity Containers | | Used to specify Singularity arguments | | Used to specify the root path of the Singularity Image | | Used to specify SLURM flags. These flags will be added to the SLURM script in the form of #SBATCH flag1, #SBATCH flag2, etc | | Used to prepend "mpiexec -np $SLURM_NTASKS *flags*" to the Singularity Execution |
Detailed explanation of the SLURM config file key values. Edit the config file before running the binary or before
building the docker image (docker compose up -d --build --force-recreate
will recreate and re-run the updated image)
Key | Value |
SidecarPort | the sidecar listening port. Sidecar and Interlink will communicate on this port. Set $SIDECARPORT environment variable to specify a custom one |
SbatchPath | path to your Slurm's sbatch binary |
ScancelPath | path to your Slurm's scancel binary |
CommandPrefix | here you can specify a prefix for the programmatically generated script (for the slurm plugin). Basically, if you want to run anything before the script itself, put it here. |
ExportPodData | Set it to true if you want to export Pod's ConfigMaps and Secrets as mountpoints in your Singularity Container |
DataRootFolder | Specify where to store the exported ConfigMaps/Secrets locally |
Namespace | Namespace where Pods in your K8S will be registered |
Tsocks | true or false values only. Enables or Disables the use of tsocks library to allow proxy networking. Only implemented for the Slurm sidecar at the moment. |
TsocksPath | path to your tsocks library. |
TsocksLoginNode | specify an existing node to ssh to. It will be your "window to the external world" |
BashPath | Path to your Bash shell |
VerboseLogging | Enable or disable Debug messages on logs. True or False values only |
ErrorsOnlyLogging | Specify if you want to get errors only on logs. True or false values only |
Here's the complete list of every customizable environment variable. When specified, it overwrites the listed key within the SLURM config file.
Env | Value |
SLURMCONFIGPATH | your SLURM config file path. Default is /etc/interlink/SlurmConfig.yaml |
SIDECARPORT | the Sidecar listening port. Docker default is 4000, Slurm default is 4001. |
SBATCHPATH | path to your Slurm's sbatch binary. Overwrites SbatchPath. |
SCANCELPATH | path to your Slurm's scancel binary. Overwrites ScancelPath. |
SHARED_FS | set this env to "true" to save configmaps values inside files directly mounted to Singularity containers instead of using ENVS to create them later |
CUSTOMKUBECONF | path to a service account kubeconfig |
TSOCKS | true or false, to use tsocks library allowing proxy networking. Working on Slurm sidecar at the moment. Overwrites Tsocks. |
TSOCKSPATH | path to your tsocks library. Overwrites TsocksPath. |