Owen Shen - Project Manager
Roshan Fernando - Software Development Lead
Cyrus Cowley - Software Development Lead
Zhuoran Liao - Algorithm Specialist
Zebang Liu - Senior System Analyst
Summet Bansal - Software Architect
Cameron Trando - Software Architect
Daniel Wang - Database Specialist
David Hacker - Quality Assurance Lead
Steven Miller - User Interface Specialist
Surya Krishnan - Business Analyst
InternHub is a web application that automatically aggregates information about internships so students can have an easier time finding the internships of their dreams. InternHub allows users to keep track of the internships they've applied to, see how many people have applied to internships at a specific company, and easily filter internships to find ones that fit their desires.
Clone the repo, then go into the cloned directory and run
yarn install
yarn run start
Have fun developing at localhost:3000