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2477 lines (1516 loc) · 79.7 KB

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2477 lines (1516 loc) · 79.7 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
get_all_options_tickers GET /options/tickers Options Tickers
get_option_aggregates GET /options/aggregates Total open interest and volume aggregated by ticker
get_option_expirations_realtime GET /options/expirations/{symbol}/realtime Options Expirations
get_option_strikes_realtime GET /options/strikes/{symbol}/{strike}/realtime Option Strikes Realtime
get_option_trades GET /options/trades Option Trades
get_option_trades_by_contract GET /options/{identifier}/trades Option Trades By Contract
get_options GET /options/{symbol} Options
get_options_by_symbol_realtime GET /options/{symbol}/realtime Options by Symbol Realtime
get_options_chain GET /options/chain/{symbol}/{expiration} Options Chain
get_options_chain_eod GET /options/chain/{symbol}/{expiration}/eod Options Chain EOD
get_options_chain_realtime GET /options/chain/{symbol}/{expiration}/realtime Options Chain Realtime
get_options_expirations GET /options/expirations/{symbol} Options Expirations
get_options_expirations_eod GET /options/expirations/{symbol}/eod Options Expirations
get_options_interval_by_contract GET /options/interval/{identifier} Options Intervals By Contract
get_options_interval_movers GET /options/interval/movers Options Intervals Movers
get_options_interval_movers_change GET /options/interval/movers/change Options Intervals Movers By Change
get_options_interval_movers_volume GET /options/interval/movers/volume Options Intervals Movers By Volume
get_options_prices GET /options/prices/{identifier} Option Prices
get_options_prices_batch_realtime POST /options/prices/realtime/batch Option Prices Batch Realtime
get_options_prices_eod GET /options/prices/{identifier}/eod Option Prices EOD
get_options_prices_eod_by_ticker GET /options/prices/by_ticker/{symbol}/eod Option Prices End of Day By Ticker
get_options_prices_realtime GET /options/prices/{identifier}/realtime Option Prices Realtime
get_options_prices_realtime_by_ticker GET /options/prices/by_ticker/{symbol}/realtime Option Prices Realtime By Ticker
get_options_snapshots GET /options/snapshots Option Prices Realtime Snapshot
get_options_stats_realtime GET /options/prices/{identifier}/realtime/stats Option Stats Realtime
get_unusual_activity GET /options/unusual_activity/{symbol} Options Unusual Activity
get_unusual_activity_intraday GET /options/unusual_activity/{symbol}/intraday Options Unusual Activity Intraday
get_unusual_activity_universal GET /options/unusual_activity Options Unusual Activity Universal
get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday GET /options/unusual_activity/intraday Options Unusual Activity Universal Intraday


View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsTickers get_all_options_tickers(use_underlying_symbols=use_underlying_symbols)

Options Tickers

Returns all tickers that have existing options contracts.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


use_underlying_symbols = False

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_all_options_tickers(use_underlying_symbols=use_underlying_symbols)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
use_underlying_symbols bool Use underlying symbol vs contract symbol [optional] [default to False]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsAggregates get_option_aggregates(date=date, page_size=page_size, next_page=next_page)

Total open interest and volume aggregated by ticker

Returns total open interest and volume by ticker


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


date = "2024-04-24"
page_size = 100
next_page = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_option_aggregates(date=date, page_size=page_size, next_page=next_page)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
date object Return aggregated data for this date [optional]  
page_size int The number of results to return [optional] [default to 100]  
next_page str Gets the next page of data from a previous API call [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsExpirations get_option_expirations_realtime(symbol, after=after, before=before, source=source, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)

Options Expirations

Returns a list of all current and upcoming option contract expiration dates for a particular symbol.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'MSFT'
after = '2022-01-01'
before = '2023-04-01'
source = ''
include_related_symbols = False

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_option_expirations_realtime(symbol, after=after, before=before, source=source, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
after str Return option contract expiration dates after this date. [optional]  
before str Return option contract expiration dates before this date. [optional]  
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
include_related_symbols bool Include related symbols that end in a 1 or 2 because of a corporate action. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime get_option_strikes_realtime(symbol, strike, source=source, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, model=model, show_extended_price=show_extended_price, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)

Option Strikes Realtime

Returns a list of the latest top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the greeks and implied volatility for all call/put contracts that match the strike and symbol specified.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'MSFT'
strike = 95
source = ''
stock_price_source = ''
model = ''
show_extended_price = ''
include_related_symbols = False

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_option_strikes_realtime(symbol, strike, source=source, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, model=model, show_extended_price=show_extended_price, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
strike float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price.  
source str Realtime or delayed. [optional]  
stock_price_source str Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. [optional]  
model str Model for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes. [optional]  
show_extended_price bool Whether to include open close high low type fields. [optional]  
include_related_symbols bool Include related symbols that end in a 1 or 2 because of a corporate action. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

OptionTradesResult get_option_trades(source=source, start_date=start_date, start_time=start_time, end_date=end_date, end_time=end_time, timezone=timezone, page_size=page_size, min_size=min_size, security=security, next_page=next_page)

Option Trades

Returns all trades between start time and end time, up to seven days ago for the specified source.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


source = ''
start_date = ''
start_time = ''
end_date = ''
end_time = ''
timezone = 'UTC'
page_size = 100
min_size = 100
security = 'AAPL'
next_page = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_option_trades(source=source, start_date=start_date, start_time=start_time, end_date=end_date, end_time=end_time, timezone=timezone, page_size=page_size, min_size=min_size, security=security, next_page=next_page)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
source str The specific source of the data being requested. [optional]  
start_date date The start date for the data being requested. [optional]  
start_time str The start time for the data being requested. [optional]  
end_date date The end date for the data being requested. [optional]  
end_time str The end time for the data being requested. [optional]  
timezone str The timezone the start and end date/times use. [optional] [default to UTC]  
page_size int The maximum number of results to return per page. [optional] [default to 100]  
min_size int Trades must be larger or equal to this size. [optional]  
security str The ticker symbol for which trades are being requested. [optional]  
next_page str Gets the next page of data from a previous API call [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

OptionTradesResult get_option_trades_by_contract(identifier, source=source, start_date=start_date, start_time=start_time, end_date=end_date, end_time=end_time, timezone=timezone, page_size=page_size, min_size=min_size, next_page=next_page)

Option Trades By Contract

Returns all trades for a contract between start time and end time, up to seven days ago for the specified source.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


identifier = 'AAPL__261218C00230000'
source = ''
start_date = ''
start_time = ''
end_date = ''
end_time = ''
timezone = 'UTC'
page_size = 100
min_size = 100
next_page = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_option_trades_by_contract(identifier, source=source, start_date=start_date, start_time=start_time, end_date=end_date, end_time=end_time, timezone=timezone, page_size=page_size, min_size=min_size, next_page=next_page)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
identifier str The option contract for which trades are being requested.  
source str The specific source of the data being requested. [optional]  
start_date date The start date for the data being requested. [optional]  
start_time str The start time for the data being requested. [optional]  
end_date date The end date for the data being requested. [optional]  
end_time str The end time for the data being requested. [optional]  
timezone str The timezone the start and end date/times use. [optional] [default to UTC]  
page_size int The maximum number of results to return per page. [optional] [default to 100]  
min_size int Trades must be larger or equal to this size. [optional]  
next_page str Gets the next page of data from a previous API call [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptions get_options(symbol, type=type, strike=strike, strike_greater_than=strike_greater_than, strike_less_than=strike_less_than, expiration=expiration, expiration_after=expiration_after, expiration_before=expiration_before, page_size=page_size, next_page=next_page)


Returns a list of all securities that have options listed and are tradable on a US market exchange. Useful to retrieve the entire universe. Available via a 3rd party, contact sales for a trial.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'AAPL'
type = 'put'
page_size = 100
next_page = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options(symbol, type=type, page_size=page_size, next_page=next_page)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
type str The option contract type. [optional]  
strike float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. [optional]  
strike_greater_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. [optional]  
strike_less_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. [optional]  
expiration str The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates on this date. [optional]  
expiration_after str The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates after this date. [optional]  
expiration_before str The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates before this date. [optional]  
page_size int The number of results to return [optional] [default to 100]  
next_page str Gets the next page of data from a previous API call [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsRealtime get_options_by_symbol_realtime(symbol, type=type, strike=strike, strike_greater_than=strike_greater_than, strike_less_than=strike_less_than, expiration=expiration, expiration_after=expiration_after, expiration_before=expiration_before, source=source, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)

Options by Symbol Realtime

Returns a list of all securities that have options listed and are tradable on a US market exchange. Useful to retrieve the entire universe.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'AAPL'
type = 'put'
source = ''
include_related_symbols = False

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_by_symbol_realtime(symbol, type=type, source=source, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
type str The option contract type. [optional]  
strike float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. [optional]  
strike_greater_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. [optional]  
strike_less_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. [optional]  
expiration str The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates on this date. [optional]  
expiration_after str The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates after this date. [optional]  
expiration_before str The expiration date of the option contract. This will return options contracts with expiration dates before this date. [optional]  
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
include_related_symbols bool Include related symbols that end in a 1 or 2 because of a corporate action. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsChain get_options_chain(symbol, expiration, date=date, type=type, strike=strike, strike_greater_than=strike_greater_than, strike_less_than=strike_less_than, moneyness=moneyness, page_size=page_size)

Options Chain

Returns a list of the historical end-of-day top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the greeks and implied volatility for all option contracts currently associated with the option chain. Available via a 3rd party, contact sales for a trial.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'MSFT'
expiration = '2019-04-05'
date = ''
type = ''
moneyness = ''
page_size = 100

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_chain(symbol, expiration, date=date, type=type, moneyness=moneyness, page_size=page_size)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
expiration str The expiration date of the options contract  
date date The date of the option price. Returns option prices on this date. [optional]  
type str The option contract type. [optional]  
strike float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. [optional]  
strike_greater_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. [optional]  
strike_less_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. [optional]  
moneyness str The moneyness of the options contracts to return. 'all' will return all options contracts. 'in_the_money' will return options contracts that are in the money (call options with strike prices below the current price, put options with strike prices above the current price). 'out_of_they_money' will return options contracts that are out of the money (call options with strike prices above the current price, put options with strike prices below the current price). 'near_the_money' will return options contracts that are $0.50 or less away from being in the money. [optional]  
page_size int The number of results to return [optional] [default to 100]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsChainEod get_options_chain_eod(symbol, expiration, type=type, strike=strike, strike_greater_than=strike_greater_than, strike_less_than=strike_less_than, date=date, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)

Options Chain EOD

Returns all EOD options contracts and their prices for the given symbol and expiration date.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'AAPL'
expiration = '2023-01-20'
type = ''
include_related_symbols = False

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_chain_eod(symbol, expiration, type=type, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
expiration str The expiration date of the options contract  
type str The option contract type. [optional]  
strike float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. [optional]  
strike_greater_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. [optional]  
strike_less_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. [optional]  
date date The date to retrieve prices for [optional]  
include_related_symbols bool Include related symbols that end in a 1 or 2 because of a corporate action. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsChainRealtime get_options_chain_realtime(symbol, expiration, source=source, type=type, strike=strike, strike_greater_than=strike_greater_than, strike_less_than=strike_less_than, volume_greater_than=volume_greater_than, volume_less_than=volume_less_than, open_interest_greater_than=open_interest_greater_than, open_interest_less_than=open_interest_less_than, moneyness=moneyness, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, model=model, show_extended_price=show_extended_price, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)

Options Chain Realtime

Returns a list of the latest National Best Bid & Offer (NBBO) top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the greeks and implied volatility for all option contracts currently associated with the option chain.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'MSFT'
expiration = '2023-01-20'
source = ''
type = ''
moneyness = ''
stock_price_source = ''
model = ''
show_extended_price = ''
include_related_symbols = False

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_chain_realtime(symbol, expiration, source=source, type=type, moneyness=moneyness, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, model=model, show_extended_price=show_extended_price, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
expiration str The expiration date of the options contract  
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
type str The option contract type. [optional]  
strike float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. [optional]  
strike_greater_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. [optional]  
strike_less_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. [optional]  
volume_greater_than float The volume of the option contract. This will return options contracts with volumes greater than this amount. [optional]  
volume_less_than float The volume of the option contract. This will return options contracts with volumes less than this amout. [optional]  
open_interest_greater_than float The open interest of the option contract. This will return options contracts with open interest greater than this amount. [optional]  
open_interest_less_than float The open interest of the option contract. This will return options contracts with open interest less than this amount. [optional]  
moneyness str The moneyness of the options contracts to return. 'all' will return all options contracts. 'in_the_money' will return options contracts that are in the money (call options with strike prices below the current price, put options with strike prices above the current price). 'out_of_they_money' will return options contracts that are out of the money (call options with strike prices above the current price, put options with strike prices below the current price). 'near_the_money' will return options contracts that are $0.50 or less away from being in the money. Requires subscription to realtime stock price data. [optional]  
stock_price_source str Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. [optional]  
model str Model for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes. [optional]  
show_extended_price bool Whether to include open close high low type fields. [optional]  
include_related_symbols bool Include related symbols that end in a 1 or 2 because of a corporate action. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsExpirations get_options_expirations(symbol, after=after, before=before)

Options Expirations

Returns a list of all current and upcoming option contract expiration dates for a particular symbol. Available via a 3rd party, contact sales for a trial.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'MSFT'
after = '2019-01-01'
before = '2019-12-31'

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_expirations(symbol, after=after, before=before)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
after str Return option contract expiration dates after this date. [optional]  
before str Return option contract expiration dates before this date. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsExpirations get_options_expirations_eod(symbol, after=after, before=before, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)

Options Expirations

Returns a list of all current and upcoming option contract expiration dates for a particular symbol.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'MSFT'
after = '2019-01-01'
before = '2019-12-31'
include_related_symbols = False

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_expirations_eod(symbol, after=after, before=before, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
after str Return option contract expiration dates after this date. [optional]  
before str Return option contract expiration dates before this date. [optional]  
include_related_symbols bool Include related symbols that end in a 1 or 2 because of a corporate action. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

OptionIntervalsResult get_options_interval_by_contract(identifier, interval_size, source=source, page_size=page_size, end_time=end_time)

Options Intervals By Contract

Returns a list of interval data points for a contract.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


identifier = 'SPY___230103P00380000'
interval_size = '5m'
source = ''
page_size = 100
end_time = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_interval_by_contract(identifier, interval_size, source=source, page_size=page_size, end_time=end_time)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
identifier str The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request intervals for.  
interval_size str The time length of the interval.  
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
page_size int The number of results to return [optional] [default to 100]  
end_time datetime The inclusive UTC date and time the intervals end at. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

OptionIntervalsMoversResult get_options_interval_movers(source=source, open_time=open_time)

Options Intervals Movers

Returns a list of intervals for the biggest movers over the last hour interval.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


source = ''
open_time = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_interval_movers(source=source, open_time=open_time)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
open_time datetime The inclusive UTC date and time the interval opens at. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

OptionIntervalsMoversResult get_options_interval_movers_change(source=source, open_time=open_time)

Options Intervals Movers By Change

Returns a list of intervals for the biggest movers by change over the last hour interval.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


source = ''
open_time = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_interval_movers_change(source=source, open_time=open_time)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
open_time datetime The inclusive UTC date and time the interval opens at. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

OptionIntervalsMoversResult get_options_interval_movers_volume(source=source, open_time=open_time)

Options Intervals Movers By Volume

Returns a list of intervals for the biggest movers by volume over the last hour interval.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


source = ''
open_time = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_interval_movers_volume(source=source, open_time=open_time)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
open_time datetime The inclusive UTC date and time the interval opens at. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionPrices get_options_prices(identifier, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, page_size=page_size, next_page=next_page)

Option Prices

Returns all price data from inception to expiration for a particular contract.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


identifier = 'MSFT190405C00118000'
start_date = '2019-01-01'
end_date = '2019-12-31'
page_size = 100
next_page = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_prices(identifier, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, page_size=page_size, next_page=next_page)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
identifier str The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request prices for.  
start_date str Return option contract prices on or after this date. [optional]  
end_date str Return option contract prices on or before this date. [optional]  
page_size int The number of results to return [optional] [default to 100]  
next_page str Gets the next page of data from a previous API call [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsPricesBatchRealtime get_options_prices_batch_realtime(body, source=source, show_stats=show_stats, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, model=model, show_extended_price=show_extended_price)

Option Prices Batch Realtime

Returns a list of latest price data for up to 250 option contracts per request.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


source = ''
show_stats = ''
stock_price_source = ''
model = ''
show_extended_price = ''
body = {
  "contracts": [

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_prices_batch_realtime(body, source=source, show_stats=show_stats, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, model=model, show_extended_price=show_extended_price)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
body OptionContractsList The contract symbols for which to return options prices for.  
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
show_stats bool Whether to include Greek calculations or not. [optional]  
stock_price_source str Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. [optional]  
model str Model for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes. [optional]  
show_extended_price bool Whether to include open close high low type fields. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsPricesEod get_options_prices_eod(identifier, next_page=next_page, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)

Option Prices EOD

Returns all option prices for a given option contract identifier.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


identifier = 'AAPL230616P00190000'
next_page = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_prices_eod(identifier, next_page=next_page, )
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
identifier str The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request prices for.  
next_page str Gets the next page of data from a previous API call [optional]  
start_date date The start date to retrieve prices for [optional]  
end_date date The end date to retrieve prices for [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsPricesByTickerEod get_options_prices_eod_by_ticker(symbol, page_size=page_size, date=date, type=type, strike=strike, strike_greater_than=strike_greater_than, strike_less_than=strike_less_than, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols, next_page=next_page)

Option Prices End of Day By Ticker

Returns a list of end of day pricing information for all option contracts currently associated with the ticker.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'MSFT'
page_size = 250
date = "2024-01-01"
type = ''
include_related_symbols = False
next_page = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_prices_eod_by_ticker(symbol, page_size=page_size, date=date, type=type, include_related_symbols=include_related_symbols, next_page=next_page)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The equities ticker symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
page_size int The number of results to return [optional] [default to 250]  
date object The date to get pricing data for. Defaults to today in Eastern time zone. [optional]  
type str The option contract type. [optional]  
strike float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike price equal to this price. [optional]  
strike_greater_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices greater than this price. [optional]  
strike_less_than float The strike price of the option contract. This will return options contracts with strike prices less than this price. [optional]  
include_related_symbols bool Include related symbols that end in a 1 or 2 because of a corporate action. [optional]  
next_page str Gets the next page of data from a previous API call [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsPriceRealtime get_options_prices_realtime(identifier, source=source, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, model=model, show_extended_price=show_extended_price)

Option Prices Realtime

Returns all option prices for a given option contract identifier.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


identifier = 'AAPL__261218C00230000'
source = ''
stock_price_source = ''
model = ''
show_extended_price = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_prices_realtime(identifier, source=source, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, model=model, show_extended_price=show_extended_price)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
identifier str The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request prices for.  
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
stock_price_source str Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. [optional]  
model str Model for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes. [optional]  
show_extended_price bool Whether to include open close high low type fields. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsPricesByTickerRealtime get_options_prices_realtime_by_ticker(symbol, source=source, iv_mode=iv_mode, next_page=next_page, page_size=page_size, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, model=model, show_extended_price=show_extended_price, expiration_start_date=expiration_start_date, expiration_end_date=expiration_end_date)

Option Prices Realtime By Ticker

Returns a list of the latest National Best Bid & Offer (NBBO) top of the order book size and premium (bid / ask), the latest trade size and premium as well as the greeks and implied volatility for all option contracts currently associated with the ticker.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'MSFT'
source = ''
iv_mode = ''
next_page = ''
page_size = 250
stock_price_source = ''
model = ''
show_extended_price = ''
expiration_start_date = "2024-01-01"
expiration_end_date = "2024-02-02"

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_prices_realtime_by_ticker(symbol, source=source, iv_mode=iv_mode, next_page=next_page, page_size=page_size, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, model=model, show_extended_price=show_extended_price, expiration_start_date=expiration_start_date, expiration_end_date=expiration_end_date)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The equities ticker symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
iv_mode str Change the mode for the implied volatility calculation to out of the money. [optional]  
next_page str Gets the next page of data from a previous API call [optional]  
page_size int The number of results to return [optional] [default to 250]  
stock_price_source str Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. [optional]  
model str Model for calculating Greek values. Default is black_scholes. [optional]  
show_extended_price bool Whether to include open close high low type fields. [optional]  
expiration_start_date object Filter out contracts that expire before this date. [optional]  
expiration_end_date object Filter out contracts that expire after this date. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

OptionSnapshotsResult get_options_snapshots(source=source, at_datetime=at_datetime, with_greeks=with_greeks, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, with_underlying_price=with_underlying_price)

Option Prices Realtime Snapshot

Returns all options snapshots for the queried interval with links to download.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


source = ''
at_datetime = ''
with_greeks = ''
stock_price_source = ''
with_underlying_price = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_snapshots(source=source, at_datetime=at_datetime, with_greeks=with_greeks, stock_price_source=stock_price_source, with_underlying_price=with_underlying_price)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
at_datetime datetime The UTC date and time (with url-encoded spaces) the snapshot will cover. [optional]  
with_greeks bool Whether to include Greek calculations fields when available. [optional]  
stock_price_source str Source for underlying price for calculating Greeks. [optional]  
with_underlying_price bool Whether to include the underlying price of the security in the file. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsStatsRealtime get_options_stats_realtime(identifier, source=source, show_extended_price=show_extended_price)

Option Stats Realtime

Returns all option stats (greeks and implied volatility) as well as the underlying factors used to calculate them, for a particular option contract.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


identifier = 'AAPL230120C00090000'
source = ''
show_extended_price = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_options_stats_realtime(identifier, source=source, show_extended_price=show_extended_price)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
identifier str The Intrinio ID or code of the options contract to request prices for.  
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  
show_extended_price bool Whether to include open close high low type fields. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity get_unusual_activity(symbol, source=source)

Options Unusual Activity

Returns unusual options activity for a particular company across all option chains. Unusual options activity includes large trades, sweeps, and block trades.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'AAPL'
source = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_unusual_activity(symbol, source=source)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity get_unusual_activity_intraday(symbol, next_page=next_page, page_size=page_size, activity_type=activity_type, sentiment=sentiment, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, minimum_total_value=minimum_total_value, maximum_total_value=maximum_total_value)

Options Unusual Activity Intraday

Returns unusual trades for a given identifier within the query parameters.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


symbol = 'AAPL'
next_page = ''
page_size = 1000
activity_type = ''
sentiment = ''
start_date = '2022-02-01'
end_date = '2022-02-03'
minimum_total_value = 100000.0
maximum_total_value = 200000.0

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_unusual_activity_intraday(symbol, next_page=next_page, page_size=page_size, activity_type=activity_type, sentiment=sentiment, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, minimum_total_value=minimum_total_value, maximum_total_value=maximum_total_value)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
symbol str The option symbol, corresponding to the underlying security.  
next_page str Gets the next page of data from a previous API call [optional]  
page_size int The number of results to return [optional] [default to 1000]  
activity_type str The unusual activity type to query for. [optional]  
sentiment str The sentiment type to query for. [optional]  
start_date date Return unusual activity on or after this date. [optional]  
end_date date Return unusual activity on or before this date. [optional]  
minimum_total_value object The inclusive minimum total value for the unusual activity. [optional]  
maximum_total_value object The inclusive maximum total value for the unusual activity. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity get_unusual_activity_universal(source=source)

Options Unusual Activity Universal

Returns the latest unusual options activity across all US companies with across all option chains. Unusual options activity includes large trades, sweeps, and block trades.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


source = ''

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_unusual_activity_universal(source=source)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
source str Realtime or 15-minute delayed contracts. [optional]  

Return type



View Intrinio API Documentation

ApiResponseOptionsUnusualActivity get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday(next_page=next_page, page_size=page_size, activity_type=activity_type, sentiment=sentiment, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, minimum_total_value=minimum_total_value, maximum_total_value=maximum_total_value)

Options Unusual Activity Universal Intraday

Returns unusual trades for all underlying security symbols within the query parameters.


from __future__ import print_function
import time
import intrinio_sdk as intrinio
from import ApiException


next_page = ''
page_size = 1000
activity_type = ''
sentiment = ''
start_date = '2022-02-01'
end_date = '2022-02-03'
minimum_total_value = 100000.0
maximum_total_value = 200000.0

response = intrinio.OptionsApi().get_unusual_activity_universal_intraday(next_page=next_page, page_size=page_size, activity_type=activity_type, sentiment=sentiment, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, minimum_total_value=minimum_total_value, maximum_total_value=maximum_total_value)
# Note: For a Pandas DataFrame, import Pandas and use pd.DataFrame(response.property_name_dict) 


Name Type Description Notes
next_page str Gets the next page of data from a previous API call [optional]  
page_size int The number of results to return [optional] [default to 1000]  
activity_type str The unusual activity type to query for. [optional]  
sentiment str The sentiment type to query for. [optional]  
start_date date Return unusual activity on or after this date. [optional]  
end_date date Return unusual activity on or before this date. [optional]  
minimum_total_value object The inclusive minimum total value for the unusual activity. [optional]  
maximum_total_value object The inclusive maximum total value for the unusual activity. [optional]  

Return type
