This repository provides materials for a session that is part of the I2DS Tools for Data Science workshop run at the Hertie School, Berlin in November 2021. The student-run workshop is part of the course Introduction to Data Science taught by Simon Munzert at the Hertie School, Berlin, in Fall 2021.
This session will introduce you to generating and using interactive maps with R and leaflet. Leaflet renders maps by seamlessly joining several, individually requested vector tiles, with optional overlays and vector objects layered on top. Leaflet was initially a popular open source library for Javascript and has since been ported to R.
The goals of this session are to (1) Learn the basics of tiled maps and how to generate them, (2) How to transform a dataset and visualize its data in a map, and (3) provide you with practice material as well as some further readings.
- Krishnamoorthy Manohara
- Wojciech Kuznicki
The material in this repository is made available under the MIT license.
Krishnamoorthy Manohara prepared the practice material and post-processed the recording.
Wojciech Kuznicki prepared the presentation slides and recording. He also provided an example to the practice material.