!!! This project has been deprecated. We recommend you fork it or look for an alternative solution. !!!
This contains the skeleton for building Omnibus sdbport package.
To build the sdbport RPM on the local system:
yum install -y --quiet intu-ruby git s3cmd rpm-build python-setuptools
gem install bundler -v 1.2.2 --no-ri --no-rdoc --quiet
git clone --quiet https://github.com/intuit/omnibus-sdbport.git /var/tmp/omnibus-sdbport
cd /var/tmp/omnibus-sdbport
bundle install --quiet --binstubs
bin/omnibus build project sdbport
omnibus-sdbport leverages knife-ec2 to create an instance which is used to build the RPM during CI. Over view of CI:
- Clone omnibus-sdbport on CI instance and execute ./scripts/ci_setup
- The ci_setup script uses knife-ec2 to create an ec2 instance
- The instance is bootstraped using the omnibus.rb bootstrap script.
- The git repo is cloned on the newly created build box.
- The necessary omnibus tools are installed.
- The RPM is built via omnibus.
- The RPM is uploaded to S3. Any RPMs with the same name, version and build iteration are replaced.
- The ci_setup script executes cleanup.rb to destroy any build boxes.
- AWS account with access to upload to S3 bucket and manage EC2 instances.
- Ruby version 1.9.2 or higher
- Access to the AMI listed in the file