snippets while following allong two examples using google cloud functions:
- YouTube source at packagemain/15-google-cloud-functions-in-go/api at master · plutov/packagemain · GitHub
- Image Resizing with Go and Cloud Functions – Adil H – Medium
# setup gcloud
gcloud services enable
# Operation "operations/acf.f452964f-7fe4-42e6-84c0-982bcf373cf6" finished successfully.
# create topic
gcloud alpha pubsub topics create randomNumbers
# Created topic [projects/principal-fact-205806/topics/randomNumbers].
# deploy funciton to gcloud
gcloud alpha functions deploy api \
--entry-point Send \
--runtime go111 \
--trigger-http \
--set-env-vars PROJECT_ID=principal-fact-205806
gcloud functions deploy consumer \
--entry-point Consume \
--runtime go111 \
gcloud functions logs read consumer
# teardown
gcloud functions delete api
gcloud functions delete consumer
gcloud pubsub topics delete randomNumbers
gcloud functions deploy ResizeImage --runtime go111 --trigger-http
curl ''
cd api/
export GO111MODULE=on
go mod init
go mod tidy # checks which dependencies are used and downloads them#
go mod vendor # create vendor dir +all deps
go mod graph
go list -m all
go mod why <module> # explain why is needed