0.10.0 (2020-09-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Redis 4 no longer supported #430
- Add appropriate phpstan configuration to each harness #43
- Add a 'migrate' task to facilitate continuous deployment #41
- Create an MVP helm chart for preview environments #37
- Remove CI port forwarding #432 (kierenevans)
- Switch to Redis 5 #431 (tkotosz)
- Test using 3 Jenkins workers #428 (kierenevans)
- Spryker - Do not wait 60 seconds if the queue is empty #427 (kierenevans)
- Upgrade Magento to 2.4.0 #425 (tkotosz)
- Bump minimum docker-compose version required #424 (kierenevans)
- MISC Fix redis flush command name #423 (tkotosz)
- Copy redis-cli from the first enabled redis service's image #420 (andytson-inviqa)
- Use base OS appropriate Spryker jenkins runner java version #419 (andytson-inviqa)
- Add drupal8 cron configuration #418 (kierenevans)
- Move MySQL 8 CLI installation to docker image from harness #413 (kierenevans)
- Add Blackfire Support #412 (kierenevans)
- Add Tideways Support #411 (kierenevans)
- Update skeleton README with more hostnames #409 (kierenevans)
- Update phpmd ruleset for Magento 2 #407 (tkotosz)
- Switch to PSR12 coding standard #406 (tkotosz)
- Add phpstan-symfony extension #404 (kierenevans)
- Configure symfony harness #394 (kierenevans)
- Add alternative local/http sealed-secret seal certificate #393 (andytson-inviqa)
- MISC Support base64 decoding in more OSes #392 (andytson-inviqa)
- MISC Publish images and chart only when needed #391 (andytson-inviqa)
- Automatically choose buster based images if php 7.4 #390 (kierenevans)
- Handle service enabled/image as services attributes #388 (andytson-inviqa)
- Support Docker Desktop Edge which ships with grpcFUSE filesystem drivers #386 (kierenevans)
- Add secrets into argo sync wave 1 #384 (andytson-inviqa)
- Run everything via entrypoint script #381 (kierenevans)
- Allow custom console and cron startup commands #380 (kierenevans)
- Magento 1.x crypt key is a secret #379 (kierenevans)
- Allow easy publish environment settings in Jenkins #378 (kierenevans)
- Make jenkins service optional for Spryker harness #377 (hgajjar)
- Make the Spryker jenkins runner single executor, multi containers #373 (andytson-inviqa)
- Switch away from bad PID 1 processes to tini #371 (andytson-inviqa)
- Increase push timeout for docker-compose #370 (kierenevans)
- Spryker version upgrade and other improvements #352 (hgajjar)
- Adding documentation for setting up workspace on Drupal projects #281 (sawtell)
Fixed bugs:
- Akeneo - fix random build failures #426 (kierenevans)
- Fix varnish PURGE in development environment #422 (tkotosz)
- Move php error reporting so it is available for both cli and fpm #417 (andytson-inviqa)
- Wait for elasticsearch before using it in akeneo #415 (kierenevans)
- Fix Akeneo 4 file storage directory location #414 (kierenevans)
- Fix drupal build to find a Trait the plugins couldn't find #410 (kierenevans)
- Use original base64 -d for support in more linuxes #408 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix bug in processing non-interactive sealed-secret input #403 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix Spryker build by not updating spryker web-profiler dependencies #402 (kierenevans)
- Use magento root directory for module manifest #400 (kierenevans)
- Fix 'ws feature xdebug on/off' #396 (kierenevans)
- Fix php syntax check not exiting with non-zero exit code on error #389 (kierenevans)
- Updating phpcs rules to allow void return type. #387 (sawtell)
- Recreate services that use persistent volumes to avoid multi-node usage attempts #385 (kierenevans)
- Image pull config must be present before app-init job #383 (kierenevans)
- Pull external images first missing from akeneo and spryker #382 (andytson-inviqa)
- No port for job queue consumer #376 (kierenevans)
- Switch back to the default docker stop signal in cli images #375 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix image pull config secret name #374 (kierenevans)
- Run spryker jenkins runner agent foreground #372 (andytson-inviqa)
- Fix drush relative docroot fails #366 (kierenevans)
- Replace global zed host with store specific hosts #359 (hgajjar)
Closed issues: